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1 xs02040100_MSG0001 Okay, the probe should be ready for insertion.[ST:n ]I'll just boot it up.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
2 xs02040100_MSG0002 Thanks, Lin.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
3 xs02040100_MSG0003 The top half of the cylinder contains the probe itself.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
4 xs02040100_MSG0004 The bottom half is a laser—it dissolves the soil[ST:n ]so the probe can burrow to the proper depth.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
5 xs02040100_MSG0005 We tried just planting them on the surface at first,[ST:page p1=70 ]but we kept running into problems[ST:n ]with the local wildlife damaging the goods.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
6 xs02040100_MSG0006 Burying them is going to save us all[ST:n ]a lot of time and headaches in the long run.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
7 xs02040100_MSG0007 We all set?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
8 xs02040100_MSG0008 Yes, ma'am. Whenever you're ready.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
9 xs02040100_MSG0009 Why don't you do the honors? You can launch it[ST:n ]right from your comm device. Give it a try.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
10 xs02040100_JNK0010 Launch
11 xs02040100_SEL0011 Show interest and launch the probe.
12 xs02040100_JNK0020 Persuade
13 xs02040100_SEL0021 Suggest Lin should take care of it.
14 xs02040100_MSG0010 What? You want me to do it?![ST:wait ][ST:n ]
15 xs02040100_MSG0011 Now, now. There's nothing to it, trust me. It's easy.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
16 xs02040100_MSG0012 And besides, this is supposed to be[ST:n ]YOUR training mission, remember?[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
17 xs02040100_JNK0026 Agree
18 xs02040100_SEL0027 Nod and launch the probe.
19 xs02040100_JNK0028 Disagree
20 xs02040100_SEL0022 Remind Elma you've never done this before.
21 xs02040100_MSG0013 Which is exactly why we're here. You're going to have plenty[ST:n ]of firsts as you become a BLADE—you'd best get used to it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
22 xs02040100_JNK0030 Step Up
23 xs02040100_SEL0031 Put aside your fears and launch the probe.
24 xs02040100_JNK0032 Take Charge
25 xs02040100_SEL0033 Show your worth and launch the probe.
26 xs02040100_MSG0014 Good, now we just need to give it a minute[ST:n ]to reach the target depth.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
27 xs02040100_MSG0015 Aaand installation complete.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
28 xs02040100_MSG0016 We are now online with a solid connection to FrontierNav.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
29 xs02040100_MSG0017 Excellent. See? At the end of the day,[ST:n ]there's really not much to it.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
30 xs02040100_MSG0018 The hardest part was calculating the ideal probe locations.[ST:n ]We need them spread out evenly to maximize data collection.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
31 xs02040100_MSG0019 Yup, planting probes is easy.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
32 xs02040100_MSG0020 And the more we plant,[ST:n ]the more likely we are to find missing crew,[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
33 xs02040100_MSG0021 so anytime you see a probe site, [ST:n ]there's no excuse not to plant that sucker.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]
34 xs02040100_MSG0026 That'll do it for your training.[ST:n ]Let's head back to the barracks and report to Secretary Nagi.[ST:wait ][ST:n ]