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1 tev078601_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait ]
2 tev078601_SEL0011 tev078601_SEL0011
3 tev078601_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait ]
4 tev078601_SEL0021 tev078601_SEL0021
5 tev078601_JNK0010 Inquire
6 tev078601_SEL1011 Ask Shiraton about humans.
7 tev078601_JNK0020 Discuss
8 tev078601_SEL1021 Ask Shiraton about recent developments.
9 tev078601_SEL2021 Ask Shiraton about recent developments.
10 tev078601_SEL3021 Ask Shiraton about recent developments.
11 tev078601_MSG0001 tev078601_MSG0001
12 tev078601_MSG0002 tev078601_MSG0002
13 tev078601_MSG0003 tev078601_MSG0003
14 tev078601_MSG0004 tev078601_MSG0004
15 tev078601_MSG0005 tev078601_MSG0005
16 tev078601_MSG0008 tev078601_MSG0008
17 tev078601_MSG0009 tev078601_MSG0009
18 tev078601_MSG0010 tev078601_MSG0010
19 tev078601_MSG0011 tev078601_MSG0011
20 tev078601_MSG1001 Humans often seem to fight amongst themselves[ST:n ]and commit various crimes here in the city.[ST:wait ]
21 tev078601_MSG1002 I heard that humans who were found likely to harm[ST:n ]others were not allowed onto your \"White Whale\"[ST:n ]ship. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
22 tev078601_MSG1003 But Tracey said that the worst humans tended to be the[ST:n ]craftiest at evading such precautions. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
23 tev078601_MSG1004 Hmm. My kind merely exist to perform our function.[ST:n ]You humans, on the other hand, seem to be a much[ST:n ]less straightforward people. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
24 tev078601_MSG1009 I had hoped to continue dealing regularly with[ST:n ]Roselle, but it seems she has been arrested. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
25 tev078601_MSG1010 So I had to put more effort into my recovery work.[ST:n ]I now visit the residential and commercial districts,[ST:n ]and anywhere else voltant can be found. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
26 tev078601_MSG1011 The humans whose voltant I devoltanize always seem[ST:n ]quite pleased to have me. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
27 tev078601_MSG1012 After being treated with disgust wherever my people[ST:n ]have gone, it is quite gratifying to feel that we are[ST:n ]needed here. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
28 tev078601_MSG2001 Outside of the rare occasions like this when I leave the[ST:n ]city, I spend my days devoltanizing the voltant that[ST:n ]Roselle brings to me. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
29 tev078601_MSG2002 I do not fully understand her oft-stated assertion that[ST:n ]we are \"business partners.\" *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
30 tev078601_MSG2003 But in a city the size of New LA, there would certainly[ST:n ]be a limit to how much voltant we would be able to[ST:n ]locate by ourselves. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
31 tev078601_MSG2004 So it is certainly true that Roselle's \"business\" has been[ST:n ]a lifesaver for us. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
32 tev078601_MSG3001 Until recently, humans were typically alarmed when[ST:n ]they ran into us at night, and often reported our[ST:n ]presence to the authorities. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
33 tev078601_MSG3002 And when we'd enter a shop, we'd be asked to leave[ST:n ]immediately, lest we contaminate the products.[ST:wait ]
34 tev078601_MSG3003 It was quite a difficult life here in New LA. *fsssh*[ST:n ]But Tracey has been explaining to people that we[ST:n ]Zaruboggan are not dangerous.[ST:wait ]
35 tev078601_MSG3004 She has even threatened to arrest humans who persist[ST:n ]in discriminatory behavior. *fsssh* As a result,[ST:n ]the humans have come to understand us better.[ST:wait ]
36 tev078601_MSG3005 It has made life in New LA more pleasant for us.[ST:n ]Dealing with Tracey has not always been so easy,[ST:n ]but she has our gratitude now. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]