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1 tev066301_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait]
2 tev066301_SEL0011 Ask De Zing about the xenoforms living in New LA.[ST:wait ]
3 tev066301_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait]
4 tev066301_SEL0021 Ask De Zing about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
5 tev066301_JNK0010 tev066301_JNK0010
6 tev066301_SEL2011 Ask De Zing about the indigens in Cauldros.[ST:wait ]
7 tev066301_JNK0020 tev066301_JNK0020
8 tev066301_SEL2012 Ask De Zing about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
9 tev066301_JNK0010 tev066301_JNK0010
10 tev066301_SEL3011 Ask De Zing what makes Six Stars weapons special.[ST:wait ]
11 tev066301_JNK0020 tev066301_JNK0020
12 tev066301_SEL3021 Ask De Zing about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
13 tev066301_MSG0001 I came to this city to learn about the strangers whose[ST:n ]strength surpasses both the Ganglion's and our own.[ST:wait ]
14 tev066301_MSG0002 And what a wondrous city this New LA is![ST:n ]The Ma-non especially possess technology that boggles[ST:n ]the mind.[ST:wait ]
15 tev066301_MSG0003 They can create precious metals from miranium,[ST:n ]and bend steel to their bidding without even[ST:n ]employing heat![ST:wait ]
16 tev066301_MSG0004 Can you imagine the miraculous blade we could forge[ST:n ]if the Ma-non and I merged our techniques?[ST:n ]It would be beyond belief![ST:wait ]
17 tev066301_MSG0007 You stand before De Zing, finest swordsmith of all the[ST:n ]Wrothians, and a genius of rarefied stature![ST:wait ]
18 tev066301_MSG0008 I work here with my apprentice Gi Nagri to craft parts[ST:n ]for Six Stars, while pursuing my own masterworks[ST:n ]on the side.[ST:wait ]
19 tev066301_MSG0009 Heh! I suppose you want to know what I am making.[ST:n ]I wager your curiosity is so unbearable, you might not[ST:n ]sleep if I refrain from telling you![ST:wait ]
20 tev066301_MSG0010 Well, the truth is—[ST:wait ]
21 tev066301_MSG0011 Bah, forget it. This figment of a blade needs remain[ST:n ]inside the scabbard of my mind. ...For now.[ST:wait ]
22 tev066301_MSG0012 When the time has come, I will reveal its glory.[ST:n ]You shall marvel at the dream I intend to make real![ST:wait ]
23 tev066301_MSG1001 tev066301_MSG1001
24 tev066301_MSG1002 tev066301_MSG1002
25 tev066301_MSG1003 tev066301_MSG1003
26 tev066301_MSG1004 tev066301_MSG1004
27 tev066301_MSG1005 tev066301_MSG1005
28 tev066301_MSG1006 tev066301_MSG1006
29 tev066301_MSG2001 I encountered a fearsome monster of a bird at the[ST:n ]summit of Mount M'gando. More than thrice did I[ST:n ]attempt to vanquish the beast, but...[ST:wait ]
30 tev066301_MSG2002 Well, not even my unbreakable sword could see the[ST:n ]deed done.[ST:wait ]
31 tev066301_MSG2003 Still, I have not given up. I will grow stronger—as[ST:n ]strong as it takes to turn the creature's lifeblood cold.[ST:wait ]
32 tev066301_MSG2004 Then Cauldros will know its new, true master![ST:n ]Ha ha ha ha![ST:wait ]
33 tev066301_MSG2006 I meant to ask—how fares Gi Nagri? Is he well?[ST:wait ]
34 tev066301_MSG2007 If you see him, tell him the forge is in his hands now.[ST:wait ]
35 tev066301_MSG2008 While my giant shoes will be difficult for a sprog like[ST:n ]him to fill, he has spent many years observing my[ST:n ]impeccable technique.[ST:wait ]
36 tev066301_MSG2009 If he keeps at it, a score of years from now he ought[ST:n ]to exhibit at least a shadow of my talent. Ha![ST:wait ]
37 tev066301_MSG2010 And unlike me, he has Neraph's outstanding technology[ST:n ]to fall back upon if all else fails.[ST:wait ]
38 tev066301_MSG3001 There is no substance a Wrothian artisan's blade[ST:n ]cannot cleave.[ST:wait ]
39 tev066301_MSG3002 I have seen your weapons and compared them.[ST:n ]Their destructive capabilities have yet to surpass[ST:n ]weapons of Six Stars manufacture.[ST:wait ]
40 tev066301_MSG3003 Real warriors charge in fiercely and smite their[ST:n ]enemies in a single blow. So if you are a warrior true,[ST:n ]you must thirst for our weapons![ST:wait ]
41 tev066301_MSG3006 Ah, it's you! Your timing is perfect, for I have decided[ST:n ]to reveal the next masterwork I have in store![ST:wait ]
42 tev066301_MSG3007 It will be an unbreakable blade so large that a Skell[ST:n ]will have to wield it![ST:wait ]
43 tev066301_MSG3008 Of course, this endeavor is too genius to complete on[ST:n ]my own. I will need Gi Nagri to apply himself more[ST:n ]than ever. And not only him...[ST:wait ]
44 tev066301_MSG3009 I require Neraph! Her help in this project is a necessity.[ST:wait ]
45 tev066301_MSG3010 I will go there every day if I have to, until the stubborn[ST:n ]Ma-non gives me an \"aye.\" And not one with a[ST:n ]question on the end, either![ST:wait ]