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1 tev066101_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev066101_SEL0011 Ask De Ezich about the other Wrothians.
3 tev066101_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev066101_SEL0021 Ask De Ezich about recent developments.
5 tev066101_JNK0010 tev066101_JNK0010
6 tev066101_SEL0031 Ask De Ezich about the Wrothians.
7 tev066101_JNK0020 tev066101_JNK0020
8 tev066101_SEL0041 Ask De Ezich about recent developments.
9 tev066101_JNK0010 tev066101_JNK0010
10 tev066101_SEL1011 Ask De Ezich about life in New LA.
11 tev066101_JNK0020 tev066101_JNK0020
12 tev066101_SEL1021 Ask De Ezich about recent developments.
13 tev066101_JNK0010 tev066101_JNK0010
14 tev066101_SEL1031 Ask De Ezich about Ga Bewhe.
15 tev066101_JNK0020 tev066101_JNK0020
16 tev066101_SEL1021 tev066101_SEL1021
17 tev066101_JNK0010 tev066101_JNK0010
18 tev066101_SEL3011 Ask De Ezich about the Wrothians[ST:n ]who have moved to New LA.[ST:wait ]
19 tev066101_JNK0020 tev066101_JNK0020
20 tev066101_SEL3021 Ask De Ezich about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
21 tev066101_MSG0001 Excepting outcasts like myself, Wrothians are a rigid[ST:n ]bunch with nary a word to spare about anything other[ST:n ]than law, pride, or duty.[ST:wait ]
22 tev066101_MSG0002 And they may not deign to spare even that unless[ST:n ]Prince Jiarg has so given them leave.[ST:wait ]
23 tev066101_MSG0003 Still, it is not wickedness that drives them.[ST:n ]Try not to judge them too severely.[ST:wait ]
24 tev066101_MSG0008 You are human, yes? Perhaps you might oblige me.[ST:wait ]
25 tev066101_MSG0009 I wish to learn more of this town of yours.[ST:n ]This...New LA.[ST:wait ]
26 tev066101_MSG0010 What knowledge I do have was brought to me by the[ST:n ]Wrothians who raided you. They say the town is full of[ST:n ]life and mirth and expression.[ST:wait ]
27 tev066101_MSG0011 But I know too well that I cannot go there to see for[ST:n ]myself.[ST:wait ]
28 tev066101_MSG0012 So perhaps you could delight me with a tale or two?[ST:n ]What say you?[ST:wait ]
29 tev066101_MSG0017 Excepting outcasts like myself, Wrothians are a rigid[ST:n ]bunch with nary a word to spare about anything other[ST:n ]than law, pride, or duty.[ST:wait ]
30 tev066101_MSG0018 And some zealots would even die for Prince Jiarg.[ST:n ]They must be out of their minds![ST:wait ]
31 tev066101_MSG0019 I, uh... I mean... Curses! I hope my mother was not in[ST:n ]earshot.[ST:wait ]
32 tev066101_MSG0020 If she ever heard me speak such words of the prince,[ST:n ]she would beat the life out of me on the spot.[ST:wait ]
33 tev066101_MSG0025 Can you believe it?! Wrothians and humans are on the[ST:n ]same side![ST:wait ]
34 tev066101_MSG0026 The Wrothians who raided your town told me all about[ST:n ]New LA, and I found myself enraptured.[ST:wait ]
35 tev066101_MSG0027 My people have been left with nothing, you see.[ST:n ]The idea of a grand, gleaming spectacle of a town,[ST:n ]its myriad wonders mine to explore... Ahhhh![ST:wait ]
36 tev066101_MSG0028 But I fear I put all dreams of living there aside,[ST:n ]certain that my enemies would never welcome me into[ST:n ]their home.[ST:wait ]
37 tev066101_MSG0029 Praise Prince Jiarg for proving me wrong![ST:n ]Now I can ready myself for the day when I join my[ST:n ]fellows in New LA and breathe its intoxications in![ST:wait ]
38 tev066101_MSG1001 A fine day for me would start with a hearty meal at[ST:n ]Army Pizza, followed by a stroll past Belle Betty[ST:n ]Fashions to feast my eyes on the front lines of style.[ST:wait ]
39 tev066101_MSG1002 In the afternoon, I would duck into the Sunshine Café[ST:n ]for a spot of tea and people-watch as the city's many[ST:n ]denizens go about their own adventures.[ST:wait ]
40 tev066101_MSG1003 ...Surprised? Heh heh. Never thought you'd meet a[ST:n ]Wrothian urbanite, I wager.[ST:wait ]
41 tev066101_MSG1004 They say Earth is a hundred times more interesting[ST:n ]than New LA. Is this true?[ST:wait ]
42 tev066101_MSG1005 If you ever return, you must take me with you![ST:n ]I just know I am meant to live there.[ST:wait ]
43 tev066101_MSG1010 I have been earning my keep working at bars as a[ST:n ]watchman—a \"bouncer,\" I believe you call it?[ST:n ]I assure you, the money doesn't go to waste! Ha![ST:wait ]
44 tev066101_MSG1011 Perhaps I was wrong to regard my combat training[ST:n ]with such derision. It has presented itself to be my[ST:n ]most marketable skill here.[ST:wait ]
45 tev066101_MSG1012 I need to thank my mother and father for knocking[ST:n ]some sense into me.[ST:wait ]
46 tev066101_MSG1013 A letter and a rare local jewel ought to express the[ST:n ]sentiment well enough.[ST:wait ]
47 tev066101_MSG1018 That wench? Why do you ask?[ST:n ]...Oh, she got you, didn't she? Poor sap.[ST:wait ]
48 tev066101_MSG1019 Ga Bewhe has always been something of a[ST:n ]backstabber. You need eyes on the back of[ST:n ]your head if you plan to deal with that one.[ST:wait ]
49 tev066101_MSG1020 At least you are still alive. With a treacherous woman[ST:n ]like her, you should consider that coming out ahead.[ST:wait ]
50 tev066101_MSG1021 I do not know what she is up to, but I guarantee she[ST:n ]has more rogue in her than I ever will in me.[ST:wait ]
51 tev066101_MSG2001 What a galling question coming from you.[ST:wait ]
52 tev066101_MSG2002 If you must know, the Wrothians who went to New LA[ST:n ]are having the times of their lives.[ST:wait ]
53 tev066101_MSG2003 They get to be a part of your thriving community,[ST:n ]making equipment with Six Stars or battling the[ST:n ]Ganglion at your side.[ST:wait ]
54 tev066101_MSG2004 The only ones left out of it all are me and washed-up[ST:n ]gaffers like Go Belg.[ST:wait ]
55 tev066101_MSG2005 How unjust can the fates be, leaving a young whelp as[ST:n ]full of potential as me to rot away in this pit?![ST:wait ]
56 tev066101_MSG2010 My days are filled with sparring and hours of silent[ST:n ]reading of the Wrothian Book of Five Rings,[ST:n ]upon penalty of a thrashing from my mother.[ST:wait ]
57 tev066101_MSG2011 Is this supposed to be punishment or torture?[ST:wait ]
58 tev066101_MSG2012 You have really done it to me this time, \"friend.\"[ST:wait ]
59 tev066101_MSG2013 Well, one day I will escape this hell and make my way[ST:n ]to New LA. Mark my words![ST:wait ]