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1 tev060801_JNK0010 Inquire[ST:wait]
2 tev060801_SEL0011 Ask Henahena how she got so big.[ST:wait ]
3 tev060801_JNK0020 Discuss[ST:wait]
4 tev060801_SEL0021 Ask Henahena about recent developments.[ST:wait ]
5 tev060801_MSG0001 Henahena eat hearty helpings of cosse bean with[ST:n ]side of Oblivian will peppers and charupa leaves.[ST:wait ]
6 tev060801_MSG0002 Also rare fruit that only grow in Sylvalum called[ST:n ]emerald grape. Lots of emerald grape.[ST:wait ]
7 tev060801_MSG0003 Oh! And Henahena also eat bushel of bananaleaves[ST:n ]from Noctilum.[ST:wait ]
8 tev060801_MSG0004 Bobora send Henahena every delicacy found during[ST:n ]travels around Mira.[ST:wait ]
9 tev060801_MSG0005 So to answer question of snoopy friend,[ST:n ]Henahena is big because Henahena is loved![ST:wait ]
10 tev060801_MSG0010 Milly say she still not have boyfriend because BLADE[ST:n ]work keep Milly so busy.[ST:wait ]
11 tev060801_MSG0011 But if you ask Henahena, that is just big excuse![ST:n ]Meh, please![ST:wait ]
12 tev060801_MSG0012 Real reason Milly cannot get boyfriend is because[ST:n ]Milly is too skinny. Once she get to size of Henahena,[ST:n ]boyfriends will be lining up out door.[ST:wait ]
13 tev060801_MSG0013 Henahena better start swapping tastier, fattier foods in[ST:n ]place of yucky rations of Milly.[ST:wait ]