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1 tev014901_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev014901_SEL0011 Ask Marcus about Team Irina's fighting style.
3 tev014901_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev014901_SEL0021 Ask Marcus if anything is troubling him.
5 tev014901_SEL0031 Ask Marcus about the battle at Oblivia.
6 tev014901_SEL1021 Ask Marcus about recent developments.
7 tev014901_MSG0001 Before we engage in a big bounty mission,[ST:n ]the whole team always huddles around Irina[ST:n ]and looks up our target in the Enemy Index.[ST:wait ]
8 tev014901_MSG0002 Once we've worked out our plan of attack,[ST:n ]we head out and engage the foe.[ST:wait ]
9 tev014901_MSG0003 You can use your BLADE-issue comm device to pull[ST:n ]up information on any foe you've fought previously.[ST:wait ]
10 tev014901_MSG0004 The battles here can be tough, so be sure to put[ST:n ]your Enemy Index to good use, all right?[ST:n ]I'd hate to lose you out there![ST:wait ]
11 tev014901_MSG0008 There's some pathetic BLADE guy who keeps giving[ST:n ]Irina a hard time.[ST:wait ]
12 tev014901_MSG0009 He's probably just doing it because he likes her,[ST:n ]honestly.[ST:wait ]
13 tev014901_MSG0010 Still, that's no excuse to pull her hair like some[ST:n ]grade-school crush. Man up and ask her out for a[ST:n ]drink or something.[ST:wait ]
14 tev014901_MSG0015 Thank you, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]Thank you for what you did for us in Oblivia.[ST:wait ]
15 tev014901_MSG0016 If Colonel Elma hadn't warned us, then right now[ST:n ]Irina and I would be...[ST:wait ]
16 tev014901_MSG0020 Aw, what are you getting all dramatic about?[ST:n ]If Elma hadn't warned us, I'd have knocked you out[ST:n ]of harm's way myself![ST:wait ]
17 tev014901_MSG0021 That would have done more damage than[ST:n ]the enemy attack in the first place![ST:wait ]
18 tev014901_MSG0022 Oh, please. Everyone on my team knows how to do[ST:n ]a defensive tuck and roll.[ST:wait ]
19 tev014901_MSG0023 W-well, I guess that would... But I'd still... I mean...[ST:n ]Yeah, you're right, boss.[ST:wait ]
20 tev014901_MSG0025 Sorry if I was being overdramatic. I know that even if[ST:n ]I had gotten hurt, I'd have been okay, since this is a[ST:n ]mimeosome and all...[ST:wait ]
21 tev014901_MSG0026 But I'm gonna try to stay out of trouble by learning[ST:n ]how to read enemy intentions like Colonel Elma does.[ST:wait ]
22 tev014901_MSG1018 The pathetic BLADE who's always teasing Irina seems to[ST:n ]have finally gotten his act together.[ST:wait ]
23 tev014901_MSG1019 The other day he brought her a nice bottle of booze[ST:n ]and some snacks.[ST:wait ]
24 tev014901_MSG1020 I know Irina's has had her issues with men,[ST:n ]but maybe this would be a good opportunity[ST:n ]for her to try to work through them a bit.[ST:wait ]