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1 tev013101_JNK0010 Inquire
2 tev013101_SEL0011 Ask Dalton about transports.
3 tev013101_JNK0020 Discuss
4 tev013101_SEL0021 Ask Dalton if he's heard any interesting rumors.
5 tev013101_SEL0031 Ask Dalton for his thoughts on the Ma-non.
6 tev013101_SEL0041 Ask Dalton for his thoughts on Dagahn.
7 tev013101_SEL0051 Ask Dalton for his thoughts on Rock.
8 tev013101_SEL0061 Ask Dalton if anything is troubling him.
9 tev013101_SEL0071 Ask Dalton for his opinion on the state of New LA.
10 tev013101_SEL0091 Ask Dalton about recent developments.
11 tev013101_MSG0001 Those transports are so convenient! They can take you[ST:n ]from here to the administrative district in the blink of[ST:n ]an eye. It's just like the taxis we had back on Earth.[ST:wait ]
12 tev013101_MSG0002 They created transports for BLADEs, since they have to[ST:n ]move around a lot. That's why we civvies don't get to[ST:n ]use them.[ST:wait ]
13 tev013101_MSG0003 That's fair enough, I suppose. All we normal folk do is[ST:n ]go back and forth between work, home, and the diner.[ST:n ]Cars are good enough for that.[ST:wait ]
14 tev013101_MSG0008 You wanna hear some gossip about my subordinates?[ST:n ]...Ha ha! Don't worry, I wouldn't bore you with that.[ST:n ]But I can't pass up a chance to brag.[ST:wait ]
15 tev013101_MSG0009 Pretty much everyone on the Whale crew is exceptional[ST:n ]in some way, but Bernat and Ryo are a cut above.[ST:wait ]
16 tev013101_MSG0010 Of course, what I REALLY need is someone strong[ST:n ]enough to lift these containers.[ST:wait ]
17 tev013101_MSG0011 Ha ha! Kidding! ...No, really. I'm just kidding.[ST:n ]That's what we got the industrial Skells for.[ST:wait ]
18 tev013101_MSG0020 The Ma-non have nimble fingers and an incredible[ST:n ]grasp of technology, but their arms got all the muscle[ST:n ]of wet noodles.[ST:wait ]
19 tev013101_MSG0021 They don't seem to like manual labor much,[ST:n ]and clearly they prefer lifting pizza to weights.[ST:wait ]
20 tev013101_MSG0022 Next time you're making friends with xenos,[ST:n ]what say you pick a species that's big as a Skell[ST:n ]and twice as strong?[ST:wait ]
21 tev013101_MSG0039 ...Dagahn? Is that the Skell-sized xeno everyone says[ST:n ]you put a whuppin' on?[ST:wait ]
22 tev013101_MSG0040 When I said I wanted you to bring over a bigger xeno,[ST:n ]I never imagined you'd take it so seriously! Ha![ST:wait ]
23 tev013101_MSG0041 Er, but as long as you are, let me clarify—I'm looking[ST:n ]for a gentle-giant sort of xeno that doesn't want to[ST:n ]destroy the city and everyone in it.[ST:wait ]
24 tev013101_MSG0042 Is that too much to ask?[ST:wait ]
25 tev013101_MSG0043 Is that the name of the giant xeno who came stomping[ST:n ]into the city recently?[ST:wait ]
26 tev013101_MSG0044 When I said I wanted you to bring over a bigger xeno,[ST:n ]I never imagined you'd take it so seriously! Ha![ST:wait ]
27 tev013101_MSG0045 Anyway, he certainly looks strong. But that just means[ST:n ]he'll probably end up being drafted by BLADE.[ST:wait ]
28 tev013101_MSG0050 Lately, we've been having problems doing large-scale[ST:n ]construction in places where we can't bring our[ST:n ]industrial Skells.[ST:wait ]
29 tev013101_MSG0051 We've had some help from BLADEs using amplification[ST:n ]suits, but it's still a major issue.[ST:wait ]
30 tev013101_MSG0052 We've been racking our brains here, but no one's come[ST:n ]up with a good solution yet. Honestly, I don't know[ST:n ]what we're gonna do.[ST:wait ]
31 tev013101_MSG0056 The city sure has sprung to life since all these[ST:n ]xenos moved in![ST:wait ]
32 tev013101_MSG0057 But I imagine we're gonna need to build more places[ST:n ]for 'em all to live, and that kind of housing ain't in the[ST:n ]original construction plans.[ST:wait ]
33 tev013101_MSG0058 We could expand the place a little bit if we get rid[ST:n ]of the sea of gel in the lower section of the city,[ST:n ]but otherwise, it ain't gonna be easy.[ST:wait ]
34 tev013101_MSG0059 Maybe the Ma-non can help us out with some of their[ST:n ]fancy-pants technology?[ST:wait ]
35 tev013101_MSG0063 Rock's a real hard worker. You gotta thank the director[ST:n ]general for me next time you see him.[ST:wait ]
36 tev013101_MSG0064 I was worried Rock wouldn't understand the directions I[ST:n ]was giving him, but that hasn't been a problem at all.[ST:n ]It's nuts how he learned English so quickly![ST:wait ]
37 tev013101_MSG0065 ...Huh? Whaddya mean he doesn't know English?[ST:wait ]
38 tev013101_MSG0066 ...Yeah, I don't really understand what you mean by all[ST:n ]that, but so long as we're all able to communicate,[ST:n ]I'm happy.[ST:wait ]
39 tev013101_MSG0053 Rock really seems to be getting into his job.[ST:wait ]
40 tev013101_MSG0054 I asked him what he was so happy about,[ST:n ]and he said something about finally being able[ST:n ]to tell his friends the truth.[ST:wait ]
41 tev013101_MSG0055 He's really a sweet kid. Simple, but sweet.[ST:n ]Kinda gets me right here, ya know?[ST:wait ]
42 tev013101_MSG0060 I thought Bernat and Ryo were all I'd ever need,[ST:n ]but it might be time to add Rock to my crack team[ST:n ]of elite subordinates.[ST:wait ]