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1 tev001291_MSG0001 Oh, hey, [ST:playername ]![ST:n ]You here to test some sort of new weapon?[ST:wait ]
2 tev001291_MSG0002 I was actually just wondering if I could upgrade the[ST:n ]flight module's intake and exhaust systems a bit.[ST:wait ]
3 tev001291_MSG0003 I was just wondering if I could maybe make the flight[ST:n ]module's energy systems work a little more efficiently.[ST:wait ]
4 tev001291_MSG0004 I had a chance to talk it over with a mechanic from[ST:n ]one of the arms manufacturers, you know?[ST:wait ]
5 tev001291_MSG0005 And man, the people working behind the scenes to[ST:n ]develop state-of-the-art weapons sure do have a[ST:n ]lot of interesting things to say![ST:wait ]
6 tev001291_MSG0006 You wouldn't BELIEVE how rapidly technology[ST:n ]is advancing here in New LA while we're out[ST:n ]on deployment.[ST:wait ]
7 tev001291_JNK0010 Sympathize
8 tev001291_SEL0011 Ask Lin if she'd prefer to be a full-time mechanic.
9 tev001291_JNK0020 Worry
10 tev001291_SEL0021 Ask Lin if it wouldn't be better for[ST:n ]her to focus on BLADE missions.
11 tev001291_MSG0007 Well, I guess I do get a teeeensy bit jealous of people[ST:n ]who get to work with new technologies like that.[ST:wait ]
12 tev001291_MSG0008 But our work as BLADEs is equally important for[ST:n ]weapons development, right?[ST:wait ]
13 tev001291_MSG0009 Like, remember when we saw that auravis flying[ST:n ]through the sky during a mission?[ST:wait ]
14 tev001291_MSG0010 I saw the way it stayed aloft while gliding, and that[ST:n ]gave me the idea for a new tail assembly![ST:wait ]
15 tev001291_MSG0011 The whole thing kind of blew me away.[ST:n ]It made me glad I joined BLADE, that's for sure.[ST:wait ]
16 tev001291_MSG0012 Buuuut, I know you asked because you worry about[ST:n ]me. And I appreciate it, [ST:playername ]![ST:wait ]
17 tev001291_MSG0013 Focus on BLADE missions? Oh...[ST:n ]I thought I was doing okay out there, you know?[ST:wait ]
18 tev001291_MSG0014 Can you really tell I'm that distracted?[ST:wait ]
19 tev001291_MSG0015 I always INTEND to give things my full attention,[ST:n ]but sometimes I find myself kind of...drifting off[ST:n ]in the middle of indigen battles.[ST:wait ]
20 tev001291_MSG0016 Like, I find myself watching the way they move,[ST:n ]and then analyzing their musculature, and thinking[ST:n ]about how I could incorporate that into a Skell...[ST:wait ]
21 tev001291_MSG0017 Anyway, thanks for the honest pep talk.[ST:n ]I appreciate it.[ST:wait ]
22 tev001291_MSG0018 I wouldn't be able to continue inventing things the[ST:n ]way I do if I didn't have you and Elma watching[ST:n ]out for me all the time.[ST:wait ]
23 tev001291_JNK0030 Praise
24 tev001291_SEL0031 Say it's all due to her hard work.
25 tev001291_JNK0040 Correct
26 tev001291_SEL0041 Tell Lin that she forgot about Doug.
27 tev001291_MSG0019 Aw, [ST:playername ]. You're so sweet.[ST:n ]You've always been like a [ST:Gender p1=father p2=mother ] to me, you know?[ST:wait ]
28 tev001291_MSG0020 Aw, [ST:playername ]. You're so sweet.[ST:n ]You've always been like a [ST:Gender p1=father p2=mother ] to me, you know?[ST:wait ]
29 tev001291_MSG0021 I'm gonna keep working my butt off to invent cool stuff[ST:n ]that'll help all of us, okay?[ST:wait ]
30 tev001291_MSG0022 And yeah, I know that booster engine I was testing[ST:n ]kinda...exploded, but I'm not about to give up.[ST:wait ]
31 tev001291_MSG0023 In fact, I'd be honored if you'd join me as my[ST:n ]co-test pilot! What do you say?[ST:wait ]
32 tev001291_JNK0050 Accept
33 tev001291_SEL0051 Nod and smile through fear-clenched teeth.
34 tev001291_JNK0060 Decline
35 tev001291_SEL0061 Refuse in no uncertain terms.
36 tev001291_MSG0024 Really? That's great! There are so many things I want[ST:n ]to work on, and Doug can't possibly handle 'em all.[ST:wait ]
37 tev001291_MSG0025 Now that I've got you to help me test, I can double[ST:n ]down on making all those prototypes I've been itching[ST:n ]to make! Thank you so much![ST:wait ]
38 tev001291_MSG0026 Er, you're shaking, [ST:playername ].[ST:n ]And your face is all red. Is everything okay?[ST:n ]Are you feeling all right?[ST:wait ]
39 tev001291_MSG0027 Well, maybe it's best if you're not my co-test pilot.[ST:n ]I wouldn't want you to do it if you're sick anyway.[ST:wait ]
40 tev001291_MSG0028 I guess I'll just have to keep counting on[ST:n ]good ol' Doug![ST:wait ]
41 tev001291_MSG0029 Oh man, you're right! I almost forgot![ST:wait ]
42 tev001291_MSG0030 The whole reason I've been able to pull off all these[ST:n ]tests is because Doug's built so tough! Definitely the[ST:n ]most pliable guy I know...[ST:wait ]
43 tev001291_MSG0031 The next test flight does look like it's gonna be a[ST:n ]doozy, though...[ST:wait ]
44 tev001291_MSG0032 Still, I'm sure he can handle it. I can always count on[ST:n ]Doug to keep at it until I get it right, no matter how[ST:n ]many dozens of attempts it takes![ST:wait ]