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1 qev095202_MSG0001 Did you receive our distress call?[ST:wait ]
2 qev095202_MSG0002 We were only able to broadcast a very weak signal for[ST:n ]fear of the Ganglion. We are glad it was sufficient.[ST:wait ]
3 qev095202_JNK0010 Inquire
4 qev095202_SEL0011 Ask who the xenoforms are.
5 qev095202_JNK0020 Assist
6 qev095202_SEL0021 Offer the xenoforms help if they require it.
7 qev095202_MSG0003 You came this far without identifying us?[ST:wait ]
8 qev095202_MSG0004 You humans are truly a most unusual race.[ST:n ]It is curious that organisms so prone to irrational[ST:n ]behavior have survived this long.[ST:wait ]
9 qev095202_MSG0005 Still, your arrival proves that we were right to have sent[ST:n ]our signal.[ST:wait ]
10 qev095202_MSG0006 While you seem less than logical, you clearly possess[ST:n ]considerable combat prowess.[ST:wait ]
11 qev095202_MSG0007 By our calculations, humans have a 51 percent chance[ST:n ]of destroying the Ganglion. We wish to ally ourselves[ST:n ]with the stronger side.[ST:wait ]
12 qev095202_MSG0008 Reaching out to you for aid was a logical inevitability.[ST:wait ]
13 qev095202_MSG0009 However, we represent a valuable asset to the[ST:n ]Ganglion.[ST:wait ]
14 qev095202_MSG0010 They will be loath to part with our considerable[ST:n ]technological expertise.[ST:wait ]
15 qev095202_MSG0011 It follows that they will embark on a concerted attack[ST:n ]against your kind in order to take us back by force.[ST:wait ]
16 qev095202_MSG0026 Indeed. Hence the distress signal we sent out.[ST:wait ]
17 qev095202_JNK0030 Suggest
18 qev095202_SEL0031 Urge them to come back to New LA with you.
19 qev095202_JNK0040 Query
20 qev095202_SEL0041 Ask what their race is called.[ST:wait ]
21 qev095202_JNK0050 Probe
22 qev095202_SEL0051 Ask why the xenoform referred to itself as \"we.\"
23 qev095202_MSG0012 That is a logical course of action.[ST:wait ]
24 qev095202_MSG0013 But I fear it is somewhat premature.[ST:wait ]
25 qev095202_MSG0014 There are others of my kind who are currently stranded.[ST:n ]I would ask that you help me rescue them.[ST:wait ]
26 qev095202_MSG0015 There is no time for protracted introductions,[ST:n ]but we are called the Orphe.[ST:wait ]
27 qev095202_MSG0016 The reason for my haste is that there are others of my[ST:n ]kind awaiting aid, and large-scale rescues require time.[ST:wait ]
28 qev095202_MSG0017 A rather perceptive inquiry.[ST:wait ]
29 qev095202_MSG0018 As it happens, there are others of my kind awaiting[ST:n ]aid. I require your help in rescuing them.[ST:wait ]
30 qev095202_MSG0019 This constitutes all existing Orphe at present.[ST:wait ]
31 qev095202_MSG0020 I request that you now escort us to New LA.[ST:wait ]
32 qev095202_MSG0021 Hmm... Regrettable.[ST:wait ]
33 qev095202_MSG0022 I suppose detection was inevitable.[ST:wait ]
34 qev095202_MSG0023 My kind are technologists, not warriors.[ST:wait ]
35 qev095202_MSG0024 You will have to fight them and keep us safe.[ST:wait ]
36 qev095202_MSG0025 Please?[ST:wait ]
37 qev095202_MSG1001 Enemy neutralization confirmed.[ST:wait ]
38 qev095202_MSG1002 You have done well. Now please accompany us to[ST:n ]New LA before reinforcements arrive.[ST:wait ]