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1 qev060606_MSG0001 Ugh! Why are they so STUBBORN about everything?[ST:n ]Duty this, mission that... *fsssh* Get over yourselves![ST:wait ]
2 qev060606_MSG0002 Oh, heyyy! It's you! What happened to you? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Did you end up finding a gorkwa?[ST:wait ]
3 qev060606_MSG0003 Aw, you're the best. Now I can stop with the constant[ST:n ]need to devoltanize a tiny bit at a time and just take in[ST:n ]a truckload all at once! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
4 qev060606_MSG0004 ...What? You look like you just swallowed a bug.[ST:n ]*fsssh* Is there something on my face?[ST:wait ]
5 qev060606_JNK0010 Inquire
6 qev060606_SEL0011 Ask why Orleron's manner of speaking has changed.
7 qev060606_JNK0020 Worry
8 qev060606_SEL0021 Express concern about Orleron fighting with Trachlo.
9 qev060606_MSG0005 Of course it's changed! *fsssh*[ST:n ]While you were off getting that gorkwa, I grew up.[ST:wait ]
10 qev060606_MSG0006 Ha! Pick your jaw up off the floor there. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Zaruboggan grow out of the rugrat phase a lot quicker[ST:n ]than you humans.[ST:wait ]
11 qev060606_MSG0007 I spent time hanging around New LA like you said.[ST:n ]Grew up talking to all sorts of people. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Guess this is how I turned out.[ST:wait ]
12 qev060606_MSG0008 To hear it from Trachlo, I'm some kind of heretical[ST:n ]monster, but I like myself just fine. Yessir! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
13 qev060606_MSG0009 And I mean, if my kind's gonna keep living with all of[ST:n ]you in this big city, we've got to evolve, you know?[ST:n ]*fsssh* Can't let the old ways keep us tied down.[ST:wait ]
14 qev060606_MSG0010 I just wish Trachlo and the others would catch on to[ST:n ]that. Buncha old farts... *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
15 qev060606_MSG0011 Like lately, they won't shut up about how I'm an affront[ST:n ]to Golbogga, or how I'm making light of the whole[ST:n ]devoltanizing thing, or...whatever. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
16 qev060606_MSG0012 Aw, you worried about me? That's sweet. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Too bad you're about the only one...[ST:wait ]
17 qev060606_MSG0013 It's more than just Trachlo that's been chewing my metal[ST:n ]ass out lately. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
18 qev060606_MSG0014 It's all the other Zaruboggan too. *fsssh* They won't[ST:n ]shut up about how I'm an affront to Golbogga, or[ST:n ]how I make light of the whole devoltanizing thing.[ST:wait ]
19 qev060606_MSG0015 *fsssh* They treat me like this huge disappointment.[ST:n ]Like I'm a burden on them. But everybody's got[ST:n ]different priorities, right?[ST:wait ]
20 qev060606_MSG0016 And Arsenican's basically my dad, right? *fsssh*[ST:n ]But now when I talk to him he's all distant,[ST:n ]and you can tell he's looking for an excuse to bail.[ST:wait ]
21 qev060606_JNK0030 Sympathize
22 qev060606_SEL0031 Express pity for Orleron's situation.
23 qev060606_JNK0040 Criticize
24 qev060606_SEL0041 Lecture Orleron for his lifestyle.
25 qev060606_MSG0017 RIGHT?! I knew you'd get it! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
26 qev060606_MSG0018 I mean, I guess he's going off a Zaruboggan mind-set.[ST:n ]*fsssh* They don't really do the whole parent-kid thing.[ST:wait ]
27 qev060606_MSG0019 But like, that's no reason to outright shun me, right?[ST:wait ]
28 qev060606_MSG0020 Ugh, thanks a lot. Would it be the end of the world if[ST:n ]SOMEone sided with me for once? *fsssssssssh*[ST:wait ]
29 qev060606_MSG0021 I mean, look, I'm still a Zaruboggan, right? *fsssh*[ST:n ]I can imagine what about me rubs them all the wrong[ST:n ]way.[ST:wait ]
30 qev060606_MSG0022 But is that really a reason to outright shun me?[ST:wait ]
31 qev060606_MSG0023 *fsssh* For my part, I still like them. All of them![ST:n ]They're all good guys. But then to hear them tell me[ST:n ]they don't think of me as one of their own...[ST:wait ]
32 qev060606_MSG0024 ...I mean, what am I supposed to do? *fsssh*[ST:n ]Hell, what would YOU do in my shoes?[ST:wait ]
33 qev060606_JNK0050 Help
34 qev060606_SEL0051 Suggest that Orleron try acting like they want him to.
35 qev060606_JNK0060 Refuse
36 qev060606_SEL0061 Tell Orleron that he needs to[ST:n ]find that answer for himself.
37 qev060606_MSG0025 How Trachlo and the others...want me to? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
38 qev060606_MSG0026 Hmmm, maybe...[ST:wait ]
39 qev060606_MSG0027 Yeah, I guess that's fair. *fsssh* Gotta figure out the[ST:n ]really important stuff for yourself, right?[ST:wait ]
40 qev060606_MSG0028 Otherwise I'd be no different than them blindly clinging[ST:n ]to what Golbogga ordered them to do. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
41 qev060606_MSG0029 Hmm, maybe...[ST:wait ]
42 qev060606_MSG0030 *fsssh* I still don't buy into the whole \"sacred duty\"[ST:n ]thing, but I could stand to get more serious about the[ST:n ]whole devoltanizing deal.[ST:wait ]
43 qev060606_MSG0031 Actually, could you do me a solid? There's supposed[ST:n ]to be this super polluted spot in Cauldros. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Think you could take me there?[ST:wait ]
44 qev060606_MSG0032 If I go there and devoltanize the lot of it, I can shove[ST:n ]that right in Trachlo and the others' big fat faces![ST:n ]*fsssh* ...In a nice way, I mean.[ST:wait ]
45 qev060606_MSG0033 And I promise I'll pay you back for the escort,[ST:n ]AND for getting me this gorkwa. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
46 qev060606_MSG0034 Please? It just doesn't feel right to leave things like this[ST:n ]with them. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
47 qev060606_MSG0035 Whoooa, this has GOT to be the place! ...Heh. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Guess I really am a Zaruboggan after all.[ST:wait ]
48 qev060606_MSG0036 The sight of this much voltant has my whole body[ST:n ]throbbing! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
49 qev060606_MSG0037 All right. *fsssh* Time to devoltanize this bad mother[ST:n ]with the gorkwa you found me.[ST:wait ]
50 qev060606_MSG0038 Whooooa, here it comes! I can feel it a wave![ST:n ]*fsssh* Washing over me! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
51 qev060606_MSG0039 AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Graah, praise Golbogga![ST:n ]*fsssh* *fsssh* *fsssh* *fsssh* *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
52 qev060606_MSG0040 *fsssssssssh* That...was amazing... This voltant[ST:n ]Just wow.[ST:wait ]
53 qev060606_MSG0041 There was no way to devoltanize all of it at once,[ST:n ]but I feel like I made a dent. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
54 qev060606_MSG0042 That should earn me some Zaruboggan points with the[ST:n ]guys, right? I mean, I purified the impure. *fsssh*[ST:n ]That's their whole deal.[ST:wait ]
55 qev060606_JNK0070 Agree
56 qev060606_SEL0071 Assure Orleron that he fulfilled his duty.
57 qev060606_JNK0080 Shrug
58 qev060606_SEL0081 Confess that you don't really understand any of this.
59 qev060606_MSG0043 Thanks! *fsssh* Hearing that from you really helps.[ST:wait ]
60 qev060606_MSG0044 Now to go tell Trachlo all about it! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
61 qev060606_MSG0045 Hmmmm... Well, I guess for you humans,[ST:n ]it'd be like finding the Lifehold. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
62 qev060606_MSG0046 But what matters here is that Trachlo will get it. *fsssh*[ST:n ]Time to go report in![ST:wait ]
63 qev060606_MSG0047 ......[ST:wait ]
64 qev060606_MSG0048 Orleron, is that you? *fsssh* What is it?[ST:wait ]
65 qev060606_MSG0049 Hey, Trachlo! I just devoltanized that contamination[ST:n ]zone in Cauldros that everyone's been talking about.[ST:n ]*fsssh*[ST:wait ]
66 qev060606_MSG0050 Pretty sweet, huh? *fsssh* Sooooo, does that prove I'm[ST:n ]a real Zaruboggan or what?[ST:wait ]
67 qev060606_MSG0051 *fsssh* Cauldros?! How could you go somewhere so[ST:n ]dangerous—[ST:wait ]
68 qev060606_MSG0052 Relax! [ST:playername ] was with me. *fsssh*[ST:n ]So don't leave me hanging.[ST:n ]Am I back in the club or what?[ST:wait ]
69 qev060606_MSG0053 You went there just to prove that? *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
70 qev060606_MSG0054 ......[ST:wait ]
71 qev060606_MSG0055 *fsssh* I am sure Golbogga smiles down upon your[ST:n ]bravery and dedication.[ST:wait ]
72 qev060606_MSG0056 Now get back to New LA immediately. *fsssh*[ST:n ]We cannot afford to lose a precious member of our[ST:n ]mission now.[ST:wait ]
73 qev060606_MSG0057 You got it, boss! *fsssh* I'll bring home a family-size[ST:n ]helping of this voltant as a souvenir![ST:wait ]
74 qev060606_MSG0058 He finally acknowledged me, thanks to you. *fsssh*[ST:wait ]
75 qev000601_JNK0090 Encourage
76 qev000601_SEL0091 Tell Orleron to keep working hard for the cause.
77 qev000601_JNK0100 Warn
78 qev000601_SEL0101 Tell Orleron to be extra careful handling that \"souvenir.\"
79 qev060606_MSG0059 *fsssh* Yeah, but I'm not giving up on living free like a[ST:n ]human, either. I'll work...hard-ish at it.[ST:wait ]
80 qev060606_MSG0060 *fsssh* Oh, that's right. This stuff's super poisonous[ST:n ]to you guys, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
81 qev060606_MSG0061 Nah, don't worry. I love humans! *fsssh*[ST:n ]I'd never do anything stupid to hurt you.[ST:wait ]
82 qev060606_MSG0062 All right, I'm heading back. Got a big fat takeout[ST:n ]order of voltant to deliver to the guys! *fsssh*[ST:wait ]