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1 qev051512_MSG0001 You made a fine show of the strength that you also[ST:n ]used when you freed us sisters from our curse.[ST:wait ]
2 qev051512_MSG0002 I apologize for hiding my identity from you, but there[ST:n ]are yet many in this city who still think ill of us.[ST:wait ]
3 qev051512_MSG0003 That's why I assumed the form of a BLADE when I[ST:n ]entered the contest.[ST:wait ]
4 qev051512_MSG0004 I hope you will visit again when you have time?[ST:n ]It gets...quite lonely out there.[ST:wait ]
5 qev051512_MSG0005 F-for Lyvia, that is. Not me. She misses you terribly.[ST:wait ]
6 qev051512_MSG0006 You truly are strong. It is no wonder our mother still[ST:n ]fears you.[ST:wait ]
7 qev051512_MSG0007 I apologize for hiding my identity from you, but there[ST:n ]are yet many in this city who still think ill of us.[ST:wait ]
8 qev051512_MSG0008 That's why I assumed the form of a BLADE when I[ST:n ]entered the contest.[ST:wait ]
9 qev051512_MSG0009 It's humbling to admit, but our match taught me much.[ST:n ]I can only hope to possess your strength one day.[ST:wait ]
10 qev051512_MSG0010 Strength enough to stop my mother's rages myself.[ST:wait ]
11 qev051512_MSG0011 I pray you will entrust that task to me,[ST:n ]for I will not permit it to trouble humans any further.[ST:wait ]