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1 qev051503_MSG0001 Ha ha! Now Lularita, strongest Nopon in Drongo[ST:n ]Caravan, enters fray! ...No, wait. Scratch that.[ST:n ]Strongest Nopon ANYWHERE![ST:wait ]
2 qev051503_MSG0002 Lularita came here today to prove she is toughest one[ST:n ]on entire planet![ST:wait ]
3 qev051503_MSG0003 ...Hmm? Friend wants to know if Lularita is going to[ST:n ]fight [ST:Gender p1=him p2=her ] in bloody combat to death?[ST:wait ]
4 qev051503_MSG0004 Oh ho ho hooooo! Friend is so amusing![ST:n ]...But no. That is ridiculous. What if Lularita got hurt?[ST:wait ]
5 qev051503_MSG0005 No, friend will face the army of raging nopopotamuses[ST:n ]Lularita spent ton of time and money training.[ST:wait ]
6 qev051503_MSG0006 Now brace for battle while Lularita braces for[ST:n ]spectating from safe distance![ST:wait ]