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1 qev050907_MSG0001 Hngh... I cannot say the result is unexpected.[ST:wait ]
2 qev050907_MSG0002 Regret burns me to my core, and yet there is more.[ST:wait ]
3 qev050907_MSG0003 It is almost as though I feel...relieved.[ST:wait ]
4 qev050907_MSG0004 Perhaps it is proof that I am still soft inside.[ST:wait ]
5 qev050907_JNK0010 Praise
6 qev050907_SEL0011 Tell Gu Ladha that she is an excellent Skell pilot.
7 qev050907_JNK0020 Listen
8 qev050907_SEL0021 Say nothing.
9 qev050907_MSG0005[ST:wait ]
10 qev050907_MSG0006 I do feel more at home in the cockpit than in ground[ST:n ]combat, that is true.[ST:wait ]
11 qev050907_MSG0007 Well, I am thrilled to hear that I at least kept you on[ST:n ]your toes.[ST:wait ]
12 qev050907_MSG0008 And though it shames me to admit it, there is a part of[ST:n ]me that needed to hear as much from you.[ST:wait ]
13 qev050907_MSG0009 Hmm... No. Putting it that way still focuses on the[ST:n ]negative.[ST:wait ]
14 qev050907_MSG0010 Your help has given me confidence and knowledge[ST:n ]both.[ST:wait ]
15 qev050907_MSG0011 Thank you.[ST:wait ]
16 qev050907_MSG0012 Heh. You are kind to keep silent.[ST:wait ]
17 qev050907_MSG0013 In times past, I would have taken such consideration[ST:n ]for pity and thought it a great insult.[ST:wait ]
18 qev050907_MSG0014 But coming from you, it feels almost...nice.[ST:wait ]
19 qev050907_MSG0015 I apologize for taking so much of your time and effort.[ST:wait ]
20 qev050907_MSG0016 But I feel that meeting you has shown me a new path[ST:n ]forward.[ST:wait ]
21 qev050907_MSG0017 Where it leads remains unseen, and I would be lying to[ST:n ]say I walk it without fear.[ST:wait ]
22 qev050907_MSG0018 But I have just enough courage to try.[ST:wait ]
23 qev050907_MSG0019 It was you who sparked that within me.[ST:wait ]
24 qev050907_MSG0020 I am thankful for our meeting.[ST:wait ]
25 qev050907_MSG0021 It will take time, but I swear to you that I will become[ST:n ]a worthy Wrothian fighter.[ST:wait ]
26 qev050907_MSG0022 I hope we can meet again when that day comes![ST:wait ]
27 qev050907_MSG0023 Until then, let us part on that promise.[ST:wait ]
28 qev050907_MSG0024 ...Be well, friend.[ST:wait ]