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1 qev025501_MSG0001 Ugh. I never should have started offering my repair[ST:n ]services to human customers... Big, big mistake.[ST:wait ]
2 qev025501_MSG0002 I'll fix something up, and and they just wreck it again.[ST:n ]No respect for their machines, right? No love.[ST:wait ]
3 qev025501_MSG0003 Hmm? Did you also break something, perhaps?[ST:wait ]
4 qev025501_MSG0004 Sorry, but I'm full up at the moment, aren't I?[ST:n ]Can't take any new jobs till I work through this[ST:n ]backlog, you see?[ST:wait ]
5 qev025501_JNK0010 Correct
6 qev025501_SEL0011 Explain to Sostenasa that you[ST:n ]have nothing in need of repair.
7 qev025501_JNK0020 Press
8 qev025501_SEL0021 Ask Sostenasa if he hates humans.
9 qev025501_MSG0005 Then I'll have to ask you to go, okay?[ST:n ]I've got to gather the materials I need here, don't I?[ST:wait ]
10 qev025501_MSG0006 It's a full-time job cleaning up after the messes you[ST:n ]humans make, you know?[ST:wait ]
11 qev025501_MSG0007 What? No. No no no. I wouldn't have opened a shop[ST:n ]here if I did, would I? I'm just...surprised at how little[ST:n ]you humans seem to care about your things, right?[ST:wait ]
12 qev025501_MSG0008 Fixing things you're just going to break again has[ST:n ]started feeling kind of pointless, you know?[ST:wait ]
13 qev025501_MSG0009 I mean, you probably see machines as convenient things[ST:n ]you use up and throw away, yes?[ST:wait ]
14 qev025501_JNK0030 Confirm
15 qev025501_SEL0031 Agree that's pretty much how you look at it.
16 qev025501_JNK0040 Deny
17 qev025501_SEL0041 Explain how you feel they're more than that.
18 qev025501_MSG0010 Well, that's a tough mind-set to understand for a[ST:n ]Ma-non who grew up tinkering since he was old[ST:n ]enough to hold a screwdriver, okay?[ST:wait ]
19 qev025501_MSG0011 Machines may not talk, but they've got a part of of of[ST:n ]the soul of whoever built or maintains them inside them,[ST:n ]don't they?[ST:wait ]
20 qev025501_MSG0012 Then you're the exception, yes? But I agree that[ST:n ]machines are more than mere tools.[ST:wait ]
21 qev025501_MSG0013 They've got a part of the soul of whoever built or[ST:n ]maintains them inside them, you see? And they[ST:n ]deserve to be handled with respect, don't they?[ST:wait ]
22 qev025501_MSG0014 Well, anyway, I've got to go stock up on materials to[ST:n ]get these repairs done, don't I?[ST:wait ]
23 qev025501_MSG0015 I'm afraid I'm too busy to chat, so if you've got no[ST:n ]business, off you go, okay?[ST:wait ]
24 qev025501_JNK0050 Leave
25 qev025501_SEL0051 Depart as requested.
26 qev025501_JNK0060 Propose
27 qev025501_SEL0061 Offer to gather the materials for Sostenasa.
28 qev025501_MSG0016 See you around.[ST:wait ]
29 qev025501_MSG0017 All right then, yes? Which of of you poor kids needs[ST:n ]repairs the worst...?[ST:wait ]
30 qev025501_MSG0018 Wait. You want help me?[ST:n ]Is there an ulterior motive here? It's pity, yes?[ST:wait ]
31 qev025501_MSG0019 Hmm. I don't know what your angle is, but if you're[ST:n ]offering, I'm agreeable, all right?[ST:wait ]
32 qev025501_MSG0020 It's not easy though, yes? Even repairing a kitchen[ST:n ]appliance can mean trekking outside the city.[ST:wait ]
33 qev025501_MSG0021 Are you sure you still want to help gather materials?[ST:n ]Really really sure?[ST:wait ]
34 qev025501_MSG0022 Well, it's your call. But if you say you'll do it,[ST:n ]I really need you to follow through, okay?[ST:wait ]
35 qev025501_MSG0023 These may just look like busted machines to you,[ST:n ]but to me my patients are living creatures, you see?[ST:wait ]
36 qev025501_MSG0024 So please go find me some shiny new parts to patch[ST:n ]this poor broken kitchen appliance up, all right?[ST:n ]And I'll keep my expectations low. So so low.[ST:wait ]
37 qev025501_MSG0025 If you find me five pieces of stripped plating and three[ST:n ]quality fuses, then I can have this poor little guy as[ST:n ]good as new, okay?[ST:wait ]
38 qev025501_MSG0026 The little guy helped you humans even after being[ST:n ]flown out to this crazy planet. We can't just abandon[ST:n ]it now, right?[ST:wait ]
39 qev025501_MSG0027 Hmm. Don't bother telling me. You couldn't find any[ST:n ]stripped plating or quality fuses, could you?[ST:wait ]
40 qev025501_MSG0028 Well, I wasn't really counting on on on it anyway.[ST:n ]Now, if you'd please please leave me to my work?[ST:wait ]
41 qev025501_MSG0029 What? You went outside the city, yes?[ST:n ]Put your life at risk for this appliance?[ST:wait ]
42 qev025501_MSG0030 You're really not like all the other humans who who[ST:n ]who abuse their machines, are you?[ST:wait ]
43 qev025501_JNK0070 Affirm
44 qev025501_SEL0071 Say that machines should be handled with respect.
45 qev025501_JNK0080 Deny
46 qev025501_SEL0081 Claim that you're no different from any other human.
47 qev025501_MSG0031 Your eyes say you're telling the truth, don't they?[ST:wait ]
48 qev025501_MSG0032 Other humans are you? Then why do they[ST:n ]keep manhandling their things and throwing the broken[ST:n ]ones at me?[ST:wait ]
49 qev025501_MSG0033 ...Because everyone here is desperate to survive?[ST:n ]And that given the chance and better circumstances,[ST:n ]humans will actually care for their things?[ST:wait ]
50 qev025501_MSG0034 Er, but no. No no no. I don't believe it.[ST:n ]Ever since I've been here, I've seen—[ST:wait ]
51 qev025501_MSG0035 Sostenasa?! Have you finished the repairs on the two[ST:n ]military vehicles I asked about?[ST:wait ]
52 qev025501_MSG0036 You mean the two vehicles the BLADEs ruined, yes?[ST:wait ]
53 qev025501_MSG0037 So so sorry, but I still don't have the the the parts I[ST:n ]need, do I? So I haven't been able to work on them.[ST:wait ]
54 qev025501_MSG0038 The humans make do with their scant resources, right?[ST:n ]I don't hear them making excuses.[ST:wait ]
55 qev025501_MSG0039 Keep dragging your feet, and I'll test my new inventions[ST:n ]out on just you like I did in in in the old days.[ST:n ]I've got a flamethrower in the works, you know?[ST:wait ]
56 qev025501_MSG0040 Wh-whoa! No no! Please no! I...I...I can find the oil[ST:n ]somewhere, but Earth-made windshield glass is near[ST:n ]impossible! I'm doing my best, okay?![ST:wait ]
57 qev025501_JNK0090 Propose
58 qev025501_SEL0091 Offer to track down what Sostenasa needs.
59 qev025501_JNK0100 Do Nothing
60 qev025501_SEL0101 Keep silent and watch their exchange further.
61 qev025501_MSG0041 The humans need those vehicles right away, don't they,[ST:n ]Sostenasa? Now which is it? Repair them, or try your[ST:n ]luck with my flamethrower?[ST:wait ]
62 qev025501_MSG0042 Fine, yes? Fine! I'll put them at the top of my list,[ST:n ]all right? Very very very top![ST:wait ]
63 qev025501_MSG0043 ...Sorry, but it looks like I have to head out, don't I?[ST:wait ]
64 qev025501_MSG0044 Here. As thanks for your help, yes?[ST:wait ]
65 qev025501_MSG0045 I'm glad to see there are SOME humans who aren't a[ST:n ]total lost cause, you know?[ST:wait ]
66 qev025501_MSG0046 ...Good luck with your work too, okay?[ST:n ]I guess I'll see you around.[ST:wait ]
67 qev025501_MSG0047 Er, you'd really do that?[ST:wait ]
68 qev025501_MSG0048 Why all the help? This is my job, isn't it?[ST:n ]There's no reason for you to go this far.[ST:wait ]
69 qev025501_JNK0110 Explain
70 qev025501_SEL0111 Tell Sostenasa it's only natural[ST:n ]for one citizen to help another.
71 qev025501_JNK0120 Shrug
72 qev025501_SEL0121 Say you just kinda...feel like it.
73 qev025501_MSG0049 ...You're the first person in this city to to to say that.[ST:wait ]
74 qev025501_MSG0050 There's something special about you, isn't there?[ST:n ]Are you sure you're even human?[ST:wait ]
75 qev025501_MSG0051 I'm starting to think that I was too quick to judge your[ST:n ]kind, perhaps?[ST:wait ]
76 qev025501_MSG0052 Maybe I was just cranky from being so so overworked,[ST:n ]yes? Stress and all that?[ST:wait ]
77 qev025501_MSG0053 Heh...[ST:wait ]
78 qev025501_MSG0054 Anyway, I appreciate it, okay? And while you're[ST:n ]hunting down the parts, I'll fix this poor appliance.[ST:wait ]
79 qev025501_MSG0055 The materials I need are honey oil from a cinicula,[ST:n ]and windshield glass from a scrapped vehicle, okay?[ST:wait ]
80 qev025501_MSG0056 For the scrapped vehicle, I think there might be one[ST:n ]on the East Gate Plain?[ST:wait ]
81 qev025501_MSG0057 I repaired that appliance good as new and returned the[ST:n ]little guy to the owner, didn't I?[ST:wait ]
82 qev025501_MSG0058 She was a BLADE, you see? Badly injured.[ST:n ]Couldn't cook a decent meal for herself without it.[ST:n ]Good thing I got to it early, no?[ST:wait ]
83 qev025501_MSG0059 Any luck with those materials yet?[ST:n ]I need honey oil and windshield glass, remember?[ST:wait ]
84 qev025501_MSG0060 These things aren't easy to find, are they?[ST:n ]Must have been lots and lots of trouble, right?[ST:wait ]
85 qev025501_JNK0130 Agree
86 qev025501_SEL0131 Confirm that it was pretty rough.
87 qev025501_JNK0140 Disagree
88 qev025501_SEL0141 Boast that it was easy.
89 qev025501_MSG0061 I believe it, okay? But but I still don't understand why[ST:n ]you'd go through that just to help me.[ST:wait ]
90 qev025501_MSG0062 You say that, but but I know the truth, okay?[ST:n ]I've nearly died trying to get them in the past.[ST:wait ]
91 qev025501_MSG0063 I don't understand why you'd go to such lengths just to[ST:n ]help me.[ST:wait ]
92 qev025501_MSG0064 What's that? You feel responsible because I'm fixing[ST:n ]these things for BLADE?[ST:wait ]
93 qev025501_MSG0065 Dammit...[ST:wait ]
94 qev025501_MSG0066 ......[ST:wait ]
95 qev025501_MSG0067 Fine, okay? I concede defeat![ST:wait ]
96 qev025501_MSG0068 The reason my brother's working as a mechanic for[ST:n ]you humans...[ST:wait ]
97 qev025501_MSG0069 And the reason I decided to start a repair shop here,[ST:n ]for that matter...[ST:wait ]
98 qev025501_MSG0070 It's because we knew that both our peoples could make[ST:n ]it on this planet if we worked together, you know?[ST:wait ]
99 qev025501_MSG0071 I got so busy, I lost sight of that, didn't I?[ST:n ]So so so simple, but I still forgot.[ST:wait ]
100 qev025501_MSG0072 Well, I'm not about to get all gushy with thank-yous.[ST:n ]That's not the kind of of of Ma-non I am.[ST:n ]So just shut up and take this, okay?[ST:wait ]
101 qev025501_MSG0073 Hmph... You're a BLADE, yes?[ST:wait ]
102 qev025501_MSG0074 Well, you all can bring the stuff you break here any[ST:n ]time you want, all right? I'll fix it till I drop.[ST:wait ]
103 qev025501_MSG0075 Just promise you'll use it to keep us all safe,[ST:n ]okay? Teamwork and all that?[ST:wait ]
104 qev025501_JNK0150 Agree
105 qev025501_SEL0151 Nod enthusiastically.
106 qev025501_JNK0160 Disagree
107 qev025501_SEL0161 Explain to Sostenasa that you didn't do this out of guilt.
108 qev025501_MSG0076 We're in this together, right? You won't hear me[ST:n ]whining like I'm the the the victim ever again, okay?[ST:wait ]
109 qev025501_MSG0077 Then why have you been helping me?[ST:n ]I don't understand.[ST:wait ]
110 qev025501_MSG0078 Perhaps I don't need to know. One look at your[ST:n ]face tells me it's a reason I can get behind, isn't it?[ST:wait ]
111 qev025501_MSG0079 So good luck out there, yes?[ST:n ]I'll hold down the fort around here.[ST:wait ]