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1 qev013304_MSG0001 ......[ST:wait ]
2 qev013304_MSG0002 Raleigh here. Do you copy?[ST:wait ]
3 qev013304_MSG0003 Peter said you went in to evacuate Bates.[ST:n ]Did you manage to find the rook alive?[ST:wait ]
4 qev013304_MSG0004 ...Dead when you found him?! Ugh![ST:n ]Where was he?[ST:wait ]
5 qev013304_MSG0005 West of the Emerian Battlegrounds in Cauldros?[ST:n ]...Isn't that area highly contaminated?[ST:wait ]
6 qev013304_MSG0006 The toxins must have been what killed him.[ST:n ]But what could've made him head that way?[ST:wait ]
7 qev013304_JNK0010 Refrain
8 qev013304_SEL0011 Tell Raleigh you have no idea.
9 qev013304_JNK0020 Confess
10 qev013304_SEL0021 Admit that you sent Bates that way.
11 qev013304_MSG0007 Hey, you didn't... No. Never mind.[ST:wait ]
12 qev013304_MSG0008 ......[ST:wait ]
13 qev013304_MSG0009 I...I see...[ST:wait ]
14 qev013304_MSG0010 ......[ST:wait ]
15 qev013304_MSG0011 Well, this is no time for tears. Not while there are[ST:n ]others that might still be saved.[ST:wait ]
16 qev013304_MSG0012 ......[ST:wait ]
17 qev013304_MSG0013 As it turns out, I've just received word from Corwin.[ST:n ]He's at Banshee Cave in Sylvalum.[ST:wait ]
18 qev013304_MSG0014 That was all he could tell me before he started taking[ST:n ]fire. Bastards were right on top of him...[ST:wait ]
19 qev013304_MSG0015 I'm counting on you to see him back to New LA alive.[ST:wait ]
20 qev013304_MSG0016 Whatever happens to the team, we'll find a way[ST:n ]through it so long as he's alive.[ST:wait ]
21 qev013304_JNK0030 Accept
22 qev013304_SEL0031 Agree to help no matter what.
23 qev013304_JNK0040 Resist
24 qev013304_SEL0041 Say that you're not confident you can pull it off.
25 qev013304_MSG0017 That means a lot. You're as reliable as Corwin.[ST:wait ]
26 qev013304_MSG0018 Just promise me you'll keep your eyes peeled for that[ST:n ]black Skell, all right?[ST:wait ]
27 qev013304_MSG0019 Look, I know it's not an easy assignment, and I won't[ST:n ]ask you to make promises you can't keep.[ST:wait ]
28 qev013304_MSG0020 Just know that you're all we've got, okay?[ST:n ]We're trusting you with this, [ST:playername ].[ST:wait ]