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1 qev013302_MSG0001 Rgh! Take a hint and get off my tail already![ST:wait ]
2 qev013302_MSG0002 I'm flattered by the interest, but alien murder squads[ST:n ]aren't my type![ST:wait ]
3 qev013302_MSG0003 Huh? What are you doing here?[ST:n ]Don't tell me you're another groupie?[ST:wait ]
4 qev013302_JNK0010 Confirm
5 qev013302_SEL0011 Agree just to keep things moving.
6 qev013302_JNK0020 Query
7 qev013302_SEL0021 Inquire about the situation.
8 qev013302_MSG0004 Perfect. Then you and the creeps following me can[ST:n ]duke it out![ST:wait ]
9 qev013302_MSG0005 I'll tell you all about it as soon as these creeps are[ST:n ]pushing up...whatever weird flowers grow around here.[ST:n ]Now help me out already![ST:wait ]
10 qev013302_MSG0006 That was amazing! I think I just became YOUR groupie![ST:n ]...Is that weird to say?[ST:wait ]
11 qev013302_MSG0007 But it's also weird randomly bumping into you here.[ST:n ]Were you working a job in Oblivia like me?[ST:wait ]
12 qev013302_MSG0008 Wait, Raleigh sent you? Then you're the cavalry![ST:n ]And you really saved my hide![ST:wait ]
13 qev013302_MSG0009 Whatever that black Skell is, it tore my group apart.[ST:n ]We didn't last a minute.[ST:wait ]
14 qev013302_MSG0010 We bailed out of our Skells and scattered.[ST:n ]I hightailed it for cover, but those creeps just now[ST:n ]were waiting for me.[ST:wait ]
15 qev013302_JNK0030 Verify
16 qev013302_SEL0031 Ask Peter about the other survivors.
17 qev013302_JNK0040 Inquire
18 qev013302_SEL0041 Ask Peter about the black Skell.
19 qev013302_MSG0011 It's so good of you to worry about them.[ST:n ]...Man, I really AM going to start crushing on you[ST:n ]here in a second![ST:wait ]
20 qev013302_MSG0012 Anyway, I think I got most of the puge cleanup crew to[ST:n ]follow me, so I'm hoping that allowed the others to[ST:n ]make it out.[ST:wait ]
21 qev013302_MSG0013 Corwin will probably ass-kick the lot of us, but my[ST:n ]policy for fights you can't win is to turn around[ST:n ]and run like hell.[ST:wait ]
22 qev013302_MSG0014 What, you're thinking of going after it or something?[ST:n ]I can't tell if you're brave or stupid. Either[ST:wait ]
23 qev013302_MSG0015 What can I say? The thing's a beast. We took it on[ST:n ]three against one and didn't stand a snowball's chance.[ST:wait ]
24 qev013302_MSG0016 It's so damn fast, I don't think we even hit it once...[ST:wait ]
25 qev013302_MSG0017 Oh, sure. NOW I get a call! It's probably my second-[ST:n ]in-command. She's a real mother hen about stuff...[ST:wait ]
26 qev013302_MSG0018! ...ome in, Pet... If you're there, c...[ST:wait ]
27 qev013302_MSG0019 Huh? Wait, is that Bates?![ST:wait ]
28 qev013302_MSG0020 Bates? Hey! Where are you, man?![ST:wait ]
29 qev013302_MSG0021 ...lly rocky area wi...lots of lava...[ST:wait ]
30 qev013302_MSG0022 ...amn! Black Ske...on't let up... Peter,[ST:n ]...ocation for evac! Where can...go that's safe?![ST:wait ]
31 qev013302_MSG0023 ...n't see a way out... Help us![ST:n ]...eter! ...eter, come in! Pet...[ST:wait ]
32 qev013302_MSG0024 Dammit! I can barely get a signal![ST:wait ]
33 qev013302_MSG0025 It sounds like he's in Cauldros.[ST:n ]I've never been out there before.[ST:wait ]
34 qev013302_MSG0026 You know the lay of the land, right?[ST:n ]Can you steer Bates toward an escape?[ST:wait ]
35 qev013302_MSG0027 ...nother dead end. Current positio...can see[ST:n ]O'rrh Sim Castle from here... Near...Emerian[ST:n ]Battlegrounds...[ST:wait ]
36 qev013302_MSG0028 ...eed guidance towa...evac spot...[ST:n ]Which directio...head toward?[ST:wait ]
37 qev013302_JNK0050 Go West
38 qev013302_SEL0051 Tell Bates to head west.
39 qev013302_JNK0060 Go South[ST:wait ]
40 qev013302_SEL0061 Tell Bates to head south.[ST:wait ]
41 qev013302_MSG0029 Roger that. Head...g west now...[ST:n ]From there, I...[ST:wait ]
42 qev013302_MSG0030 ......[ST:wait ]
43 qev013302_MSG0031 We lost the signal.[ST:wait ]
44 qev013302_MSG0035 ...outh? Roger that. Head...g south, then I...[ST:wait ]
45 qev013302_MSG0036 ......[ST:wait ]
46 qev013302_MSG0037 We lost the signal.[ST:wait ]
47 qev013302_MSG0038 I know it's a lot to ask, but please...head to Cauldros[ST:n ]and get him out of there![ST:wait ]
48 qev013302_MSG0039 Bates runs like an asthmatic turtle. If he falls behind[ST:n ]even a little bit, it's all over![ST:wait ]
49 qev013302_MSG0040 He's just a rookie, and there are tons of things I still[ST:n ]have to show him. Don't let him die out there.[ST:wait ]
50 qev013302_MSG0041 I'll be fine. I can sprint back to the city in no time flat.[ST:n ]...Unlike Bates.[ST:wait ]
51 qev013302_MSG0042 So you go help him out, okay? Thanks![ST:wait ]