
1 tq012612_msg0001 nl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Oh, you sniffed us out all the way out
here? You're like a right proper hound.
2 tq012612_msg0002 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Hah! You're right on the money there.
He's Vandham's little doggie is what he is.
3 tq012612_msg0003 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 There's nothing for you here, Gray.
Go wag your tail somewhere else.
4 tq012612_msg0004 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Whoa, they're really layin' into
you! Go on, Gray, give 'em a
real tongue-lashing!
5 tq012612_msg0005 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 No need.
6 tq012612_msg0006 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Wh-?! Sure there is!
You're not gonna let these clods make fun
of you AND have the last word?!
7 tq012612_msg0007 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Hrmph...
8 tq012612_msg0008 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Ouroboros are still just kids, and it shows.
If they're your latest traveling companions,
then oof... How the mighty have fallen.
9 tq012612_msg0009 nl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 If you're here, I assume it's because
you've figured out our plan.
10 tq012612_msg0010 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Looks like we'll have to get rough.
Or are you gonna sit there like
a good pooch and lick yourself?
11 tq012612_msg0011 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Eh... I'm not that flexible.
12 tq012612_msg0012 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 First, I'll kill you.
13 tq012612_msg0013 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 You, I'll keep alive for now.
Might still kill you later if you don't
tell me anything worthwhile.
14 tq012612_msg0014 5 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Whoa. I knew we were gonna see
action today, but this is more than
I signed up for...
15 tq012612_msg0015 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Yeah, doesn't spark around, does he?
16 tq012612_msg0016 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Ouroboros are your only allies now...
17 tq012612_msg0017 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Rozana is on our side...
You still wanna fight?
18 tq012612_msg0018 R 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Of course. It is, after all, my job.
19 tq012612_msg0019 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Loyal to a fault, that's a hound for ya.
But you can't protect the City with
that wimpy attitude!
20 tq012612_msg0020 ol1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Today, this hour, the City will
be transformed... And the cause
of peace demands a sacrifice!