
1 tlk711104_msg0001 B 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Hey, Mr. Boomer... Think you could
teach us some of your tunes, maybe?
2 tlk711104_msg0002 _k1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Dumdidum...
Didum... Didum...
3 tlk711104_msg0003 B 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Oh, that's lovely...
What inspired it?
4 tlk711104_msg0004 _k1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 ...Your cooking. It was just like
my late wife's, bless her soul...
5 tlk711104_msg0005 B 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Wha...?! W-well, I hope I'll get the chance to
cook something up at Michiba Canteen
again sometime. You should grab a plate!