
1 tlk111603_msg0001 5 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Hey. Whatcha been up to lately?
2 tlk111603_msg0002 yV 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Right now I'm boning up on Levnis-related
stuff... Maintenance, piloting, all that. I'll
need that if I'm going to travel the world.
3 tlk111603_msg0003 yV 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I promised Eilis a visit. So I gotta get
all this stuff down pat soon as I can.
4 tlk111603_msg0004 5 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 You better make sure you keep to that
promise, Mwamba. Eilis is pretty scary
when the rage descends.
5 tlk111603_msg0005 yV 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Huh, for real? I wouldn't have
thought that... Just imagine, Eilis's
face, all screwed up with rage...