
1 sq000807_msg0001 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 OK, tell me what you know.
2 sq000807_msg0002 yl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Let me send you what Taion and I
got from analyzing the maps.
3 sq000807_msg0003 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 First, about infiltrating the island itself...
It appears that there are natural caverns
directly underneath Agnus Castle.
4 sq000807_msg0004 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 If we break through one of the walls,
then climb the cliffs, we can avoid
most of the guards' attention.
5 sq000807_msg0005 1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 There should be even less chance
of us getting caught if we do it under
cover of darkness.
6 sq000807_msg0006 ti1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I seem to remember a little inlet
near Hykt's Cove.
7 sq000807_msg0007 ti1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 It could be a good place
to wait for nightfall.
8 sq000807_msg0008 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Once we've ascended the cliffside,
we can approach the camp from the back.
9 sq000807_msg0009 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Notice the air vents? I expect one of
those is our way in.
10 sq000807_msg0010 5 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 That's quite a drop.
11 sq000807_msg0011 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Indeed. They won't be any use for
exfiltration. Those ID devices are
certainly going to be a help.
12 sq000807_msg0012 yl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Well if they're not and you're spotted,
you'll all be rounded up in seconds.
13 sq000807_msg0013 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 So, assuming we get into the prison,
how exactly are we supposed to
blend in?
14 sq000807_msg0014 ti1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 See how the vents also connect
to the central cell block?
15 sq000807_msg0015 ti1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 It should be easy for you to mingle
when the prisoners are all in one place
for morning assembly.
16 sq000807_msg0019 yl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 After that, you can move about in the open,
calm as you like. As long as you've got an
ID device, they won't suspect a thing.
17 sq000807_msg0016 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Once you're inside, you should
make contact with Ghondor as
soon as possible...
18 sq000807_msg0017 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I've prepared a few possible plans
of action for when you're ready to
leave the camp.
19 sq000807_msg0018 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 You'll need to change plans as the
situation demands. Everyone needs
to play their part.
20 sq000807_msg0101 D 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Once you're on Agnian soil,
I'll head back to the City and stand by.
21 sq000807_msg0102 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 If you manage to extract Ghondor without
causing too much noise, we can
rendezvous at Patulia Bay.
22 sq000807_msg0103 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 And if you don't, well...
23 sq000807_msg0104 ti1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 If you don't, you just dive right into
the water below the western gate,
and we'll come fish you out.
24 sq000807_msg0105 D 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Give 'em a good booting from me, eh?
25 sq000807_msg0201 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 If you can get out quietly, head
for Patulia Bay, where you'll
rendezvous with Kisame.
26 sq000807_msg0202 vl1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 But top priority is breaking out Ghondor.
Blast the western gate off, if you must.
27 sq000807_msg0301 1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Well, it seems like we've got
our plan in place.
28 sq000807_msg0302 8 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Riku roger that. When preparations ready,
we take Boundary to Hykt's Cove.