
1 nq030707_msg0001 tY1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Everyone has gathered. No. 7,
is there some kind of problem?
2 nq030707_msg0002 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 No. 8. I am not No. 7 any more.
Call me Segiri.
3 nq030707_msg0003 vY1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 Huh? What's that, all of a sudden?
4 nq030707_msg0004 lY1 0x8128 0x10004081 0x430 126 ...
5 nq030707_msg0005 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 All units, hear me. As of this moment...
6 nq030707_msg0006 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 ...I am rescinding all identification numbers
previously assigned to Colony 0 soldiers.
7 nq030707_msg0007 lY1 0x8150 0x4081 0x430 126 Wait. You've mentioned changing
the way we refer to you...
Now it's extending to us as well?
8 nq030707_msg0008 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Perhaps you have not considered this,
but it is only right that we have names.
9 nq030707_msg0009 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Not just me, but all of us. We are
human, just the same as the others
who live in this world.
10 nq030707_msg0010 tY1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 We're...human...?
11 nq030707_msg0011 nY1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 B-but, this name business is all really
sudden... What are we supposed to call
12 nq030707_msg0012 6 0x8198 0x4081 0x430 126 Not to worry! I've given a lot of thought
to names for you all.
13 nq030707_msg0013 rY1 0x8130 0x4081 0x430 126 Huh? Why do you get to name us?
I think that's a little out of line!
14 nq030707_msg0014 vY1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Now, now... We can always say no
after we hear her out. It might be fun!
15 nq030707_msg0015 6 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 OK, No. 6. You are...
16 nq030707_msg0016 6 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Ix. What do you think?
17 nq030707_msg0017 lY1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 Ix? What's up with that?
18 nq030707_msg0018 lY1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I mean... Well, wait a minute...
Ix... It's not too bad. I really
like how short it is!
19 nq030707_msg0019 6 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 No. 3, you are...Trini!
20 nq030707_msg0020 nY1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 Trini...
No. 3 is Trini...
21 nq030707_msg0021 nY1 0x8190 0x4081 0x430 126 What's happening? I feel a little tingly...
Is this what having a name feels like?
22 nq030707_msg0022 6 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 No. 8, you could be called...Eilic.
23 nq030707_msg0023 tY1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 Eilic...
24 nq030707_msg0024 tY1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 No. 8 is Eilic... Eilic... Eilic...
25 nq030707_msg0025 tY1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 I've got it. I'll be Eilic from now on.
26 nq030707_msg0026 6 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 For No. 15, I've got...Biffteen!
27 nq030707_msg0027 pY1 0x8130 0x4081 0x430 126 Hey, what the...?
I go to "Biffteen" from "fifteen", really?
That's barely any different...!
28 nq030707_msg0028 vY1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Ah, I think it's good, Biffteen!
It's shorter than saying "number fifteen"
at any rate.
29 nq030707_msg0029 nY1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 I think it suits you, No. 15...
Um, I mean Biffteen!
30 nq030707_msg0030 pY1 0x8190 0x4081 0x430 126 If you say so, No. 3 - sorry, Trini.
31 nq030707_msg0031 6 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 And you can be...
32 nq030707_msg0032 rY1 0x8130 0x10004081 0x430 126 ...
33 nq030707_msg0033 6 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 How do you feel about "Fline"?
34 nq030707_msg0034 rY1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 ...Fline?
35 nq030707_msg0035 6 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 Y-you don't like it?
36 nq030707_msg0036 rY1 0x8178 0x10004081 0x430 126 Hm.
37 nq030707_msg0037 rY1 0x812A 0x4081 0x430 126 "Fline the Off-Seer".
I guess that's what they'd
call me in the future.
38 nq030707_msg0038 rY1 0x812A 0x4081 0x430 126 Better than "No. 9 the Off-Seer" anyway.
Though that's not saying much...
39 nq030707_msg0039 rY1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 Hmph. Whatever.
I'll let you have this one, No. 7.
I mean, Segiri.
40 nq030707_msg0040 6 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Whoa!
41 nq030707_msg0041 vY1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Hey, hey! What about me?
Don't leave me hanging, what's my name?
42 nq030707_msg0042 6 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Um, you'll be...Teena!
43 nq030707_msg0043 vY1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Teena, eh? Nice!
Weirdly fitting!
44 nq030707_msg0044 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I believe it will take time for us to get
used to these names, but from now on
we should use them for each other.
45 nq030707_msg0045 _o1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Compliance, No. 7! ...Oh, oops...
46 nq030707_msg0046 ap1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Hahaha! You've already messed up, Ix!
47 nq030707_msg0047 Wp1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 F...Fline!
48 nq030707_msg0048 Yp1 0x8178 0x4081 0x430 126 Wh-what?
49 nq030707_msg0049 Wp1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 Um. Sorry, I just wanted to try it.
50 nq030707_msg0050 Yp1 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Pfft. Quit being weird, Trini.
51 nq030707_msg0051 Zp1 0x8128 0x4081 0x430 126 No. 7 is Segiri... No. 6 is Ix...
No. 3 is Trini... No. 15 is Buffteen...
52 nq030707_msg0052 Xp1 0x8129 0x4081 0x430 126 It's "Biffteen", man!
53 nq030707_msg0053 1 0x8120 0x4081 0x430 126 Looks like they've taken to those names.
I'm glad for you.
54 nq030707_msg0054 6 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Thanks! I was real nervous,
but it was worth all that hard brain time.
55 nq030707_msg0055 6 0x8118 0x4081 0x430 126 Did it go about how you expected, Segiri?
56 nq030707_msg0056 dW1 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Yes. Now that you have given them names,
it feels like we are finally a unit.
57 nq030707_msg0057 dW1 0x8120 0x4081 0x430 126 All of us... We are now humans,
with real names. We get to start over,
here and now.
58 nq030707_msg0058 dW1 0x8120 0x4081 0x430 126 We and our colony have been reborn.