
1 ev40000006_0010 125 Fusing a Kevesi and Agnian Ferronis together...
This is inconceivable...
2 ev40000006_0020 125 I hear there's a Moebius who
researches Ferronis Flame Clocks.
3 ev40000006_0030 125 Developing experimental tech and what have you.
4 ev40000006_0040 125 Might be his handiwork that this was based on.
5 ev40000006_0050 125 Yeah... But you know what...?
6 ev40000006_0060 125 No, what?
7 ev40000006_0070 125 It must've taken a lot of engineering to make it work.
I'm really curious... Wish we could bring it back for analysis...
8 ev40000006_0080 125 Uh-oh...
Here comes Shulk's fatal weakness.
9 ev40000006_0090 125 I agree, Shulk, sir!
I wanna study it too!
10 ev40000006_0100 125 Don't encourage him!