
1 ev40000003_0010 125 Check this out... Nice view of Cadensia's
Great Sword from here too, huh...
2 ev40000003_0020 125 Hmm...
3 ev40000003_0030 125 The way I hear it, it's hotly-contested
territory for Keves and Agnus.
4 ev40000003_0040 125 Erm... I've heard so too.
5 ev40000003_0050 125 There was some large-scale battle there earlier...
6 ev40000003_0060 125 Sure, so it's like a key position that the
two Castles glare at each other over.
7 ev40000003_0070 125 Both Keves and Agnus must want what's there
for some strategic reason, I guess.
8 ev40000003_0080 125 ...In every age, that sword is the fulcrum of conflict...