
1 ev40000002_0010 125 "Moebius Hunters", hm?
We seem to have earned ourselves quite the sobriquet...
2 ev40000002_0020 125 Hahah... Our reputation precedes us!
3 ev40000002_0030 125 This is no laughing matter, Matthew.
4 ev40000002_0040 125 Taking Moebius head-on is extremely ill-advised.
5 ev40000002_0050 125 If they really brought their might to bear,
I wouldn't rate our chances highly.
6 ev40000002_0060 125 Case in point, our previous encounter
with that Kevesi colony.
7 ev40000002_0070 125 Get it, Matthew?
8 ev40000002_0080 125 Oh, that...? I mean, they came right at us
and we gave 'em a flick on the nose, right?
9 ev40000002_0090 125 You went at the colony with your fists and
ended up destroying the whole Ferronis.
10 ev40000002_0100 125 And you call it a "flick on the nose"? Really?
11 ev40000002_0110 125 Uhh...!