
1 ev13130100_0010 124 (exhausted panting while running)
2 ev13130100_0020 124 [ML:undisp ](exhausted panting while running)
3 ev13130100_0030 124 [ML:undisp ](exhausted panting while running)
4 ev13130100_0040 124 [ML:undisp ](exhausted panting while running)
5 ev13130100_0050 124 [ML:undisp ](exhausted panting while running)
6 ev13130100_0060 124 (despairing breath) Oh no...
7 ev13130100_0070 124 (shocked gasp)
8 ev13130100_0080 124 [ML:undisp ](shocked shaky breath)
9 ev13130100_0075 124 [ML:undisp ](adlib breaking into a run)
10 ev13130100_0090 124 Chyra...
11 ev13130100_0095 124 (sobbing)
12 ev13130100_0100 124 Na'el...
13 ev13130100_0110 124 [ML:undisp ](startled gasp spotting enemies)
14 ev13130100_0120 124 Heheheh...
15 ev13130100_0130 124 See? What did I tell you? I was sure they'd show up.
16 ev13130100_0150 124 Be sure to strip their corpses.
17 ev13130100_0160 124 We'll be eating fine this week!
18 ev13130100_0165 124 [ML:undisp ](adlib crying)
19 ev13130100_0170 124 [ML:undisp ](shaking with rage)
20 ev13130100_0180 124 (enraged scream)