
1 ev07010100_9010 124 300 days remain to the Intersection.
2 ev07010100_9020 124 It seems we might make it.
3 ev07010100_9030 124 Yes.
4 ev07010100_9040 124 It took every bit of our combined intellects...
But we built it.
5 ev07010100_9050 124 To prepare for the time our two worlds collide...
6 ev07010100_9060 124 All that we are is contained within.
7 ev07010100_9070 124 Memories, and our souls...
8 ev07010100_9080 124 We will all be gone, and then reborn.
9 ev07010100_9090 124 Will it be a new beginning, or our demise...?
10 ev07010100_9095 124 No one can tell us that.
11 ev07010100_9100 124 Time will run its due course,
12 ev07010100_9110 124 and show us the true meaning...of our deed.