
1 ev03285130_0010 124 Nimue gave it to you, right?
2 ev03285130_0015 124 You should hold onto it.
3 ev03285130_0020 124 It fault...
4 ev03285130_0025 124 My pride led to her death.
5 ev03285130_0030 124 If only I'd presented a less reckless plan...
6 ev03285130_0031 124 The strategist would never have...
7 ev03285130_0035 124 Nimue would...
8 ev03285130_0040 124 (whimper) It- It's too much for me...
9 ev03285130_0043 124 I don't...
10 ev03285130_0046 124 I don't deserve this...