
1 <84598302> 79 An Attacker armed with a large
sword whose refined technique
balances offense and defense.
2 <31C4E456> 79 A Defender who baffles foes with
quick movement, skilled evasion
and strong counterattacks.
3 <C23A22CA> 79 A Healer who deploys fields
to heal and buff allies across
a large area.
4 <26F2B9AB> 79 A Healer, specializing in dazzling
foes and offering support by using
spell tags.
5 <ABDC08EF> 79 A Defender who protects allies with
a huge weapon and Arts to focus
the enemies' attention.
6 <104E4467> 79 An Attacker who smashes through
foes' defenses with a huge hammer
and unstoppable Arts.
7 <9BF3C868> 79 An Attacker, pressuring foes with
a dual-sword style and felling them
in short, vicious bouts.
8 <1D778B88> 79 Protean Attacker class that exploits
enemy weak points and uses
debuffs to alter the tide of battle.
9 <3E074683> 79 An adroit, tactical Healer who uses
special guns to aid allies in various
ways, as well as weakening foes.
10 <51997563> 79 A special Healer, raising allies'
attack frequency and strengthening
them greatly with flute-playing.
11 <2E57DC17> 79 A bold Attacker, trading wounds
for augmentation of an already
formidable offensive power.
12 <ECE39C0A> 79 A stout Defender, guarding allies
all around with shield and Arts,
while crushing foes with a mace.
13 <DD71312A> 79 A Healer whose command of water
can fell foes and heal allies in the
same beat; a battlefield messiah.
14 <5FAC144A> 79 A fearsome Attacker combining
dynamic elemental attacks with
reliable support.
15 <47C215CC> 79 An invaluable Healer who ensures
the party's continued survival with
healing and buffs.
16 <F5A44E73> 79 A Defender whose skills shine even
brighter in the face of adversity. A
ray of hope on the field of battle.
17 <6609C125> 79 A Healer with a belligerent bent.
Batters enemies with powerful
combos while soothing ailing allies.
18 <BB9BCD90> 79 An elegant Attacker, whose
exquisite sword grows even keener
with critical hits.
19 <9C38903E> 79 An Attacker who excels at sniping
foes with arrows and hunting them
from the safety of stealth.
20 <43CB2A4E> 79 An aggressive Defender whose
swift, deadly slash strikes draw
foes in, only to mow them down.
21 <7068FE34> 79 A special class, enabling a variety
of fighting styles using skills and
Arts stolen from enemies.
22 <A8D463C3> 79 A special Healer excelling at
support, using buffs to inspirit allies
with courage and strength.
23 <579F2D31> 79 An Attacker who hounds foes with
debuffs, then fells them at their
most vulnerable with dual axes.
24 <37C2E7E6> 79 A martial artist Attacker who
pounds foes into dust with a
ceaseless torrent of blows.
25 <E8A7AE98> 79 Attacks foes in a wide area with
twin guns and drones, the shots
growing deadlier with each hit.
26 <703EAD2C> 79
27 <2A8141EF> 79 A Defender who stays on the attack
while evading enemy hits, revealing
their true power after being KO'd.
28 <748C474D> 79 A frontline Healer who restores HP
with critical hits and guides the flow
of battle with unique field effects.
29 <6B057225> 79 A Defender who preempts and
evades enemy attacks, holding their
own even in attack and support.
30 <B2D24438> 79 A twin-greatsword Attacker who
minces foes with relentless strikes
and savage, far-reaching critical hits.
31 <63916A3D> 79 A combat-proficient Healer, harrying
enemies with a slim sword. Can also
invalidate enemy attacks for a time.
32 <F5DE1191> 79 A Defender commanding a self-made
weapon. Can deploy various effects
while blocking enemy attacks.
33 <A27FCF33> 79 A support Healer who soothes allies
with melodic music. Applies different
support effects that vary by tune.
34 <F677DFEA> 79 An Attacker who blasts Ether out of
an accelerator device. Suppresses
foes with powerful ranged attacks.