
1 <0C19614E> 6 0x8118 0x4081 0x430 126 The Colony Mu salute is different
than the way we did it in the rest
of Agnus, isn't it?
2 <1A440F95> 3 0x8100 0x1204082 0x430 126 You mean that whole,
"Trust your crew, trust yourself,"
thing they do?
3 <20C0A219> 6 0x8150 0x30C04081 0x430 126 Yeah, that's the one!
4 <A750C153> 5 0x8148 0xC04081 0x430 126 Good memory, Eunie.
5 <2F5B563F> 3 0x8198 0x1004081 0x430 126 Heheh! Just wait, it keeps going.
6 <5D25B06C> 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Ahem... "Trust in victory!
All hearts as one!
We'll make it! Together!"
7 <C0AF2B64> 6 0x8180 0xC04081 0x430 126 Oooh, check you out, Eunie!
Nicely remembered!
8 <697EE9FE> 3 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 Yeah, well, it's well and truly stuck
in my head now. It's really wormed
its way in there, y'know?
9 <2C6459A0> 6 0x8180 0x4081 0x430 126 Hey, hey, why don't we all do it?
10 <DC91D6B6> 2 0x8150 0x1204083 0x430 126 You mean, the Mu salute,
with the words and stuff?
11 <CFD2EC86> 6 0x8148 0xA04081 0x430 126 Yeah! I think it's got
a good ring to it!
12 <60445EAA> 3 0x8190 0x1204081 0x430 126 Hrrrrm... Yeah, I'm not sure
I wanna actually do the whole thing...
13 <151A01B2> 2 0x8100 0x4081 0x430 126 I'm fine either way, I guess...?
14 <FDBE0944> 5 0x8160 0x4081 0x430 126 Yeah, I'm not doing it.
If Fiona caught us, I'd
die of embarrassment.
15 <318E77D3> 4 0x8100 0x4081 0x4B0 126 I will also pass.
16 <3159906A> 6 0x8151 0x30004081 0x430 126 Aww, c'mon you guysss!
17 <815BD2E0> 1 0x8180 0x1204082 0x430 126 The way things going, the
"all hearts as one" part might be
a bit of a wash I fear, Sena.
18 <1B208425> 6 0x8160 0x4081 0x430 126 Man... Shame...