
1 <A386CDA3> 1 0x8148 0xE04081 0x430 126 Hey Taion, I've heard you make
herbal tea sometimes, is that true?
2 <639F868B> 4 0x8100 0x804081 0x430 126 Hm? Ah, yes, it's something of a hobby.
Would you like a cup as well?
3 <A832A301> 5 0x8118 0xE04081 0x430 126 You puttin' the brew on, Taion? Sweet!
I'll have a cuppa Sirius Anemone, thanks.
4 <1B45189D> 4 0x8178 0x1004081 0x430 126 I doubt you would be able to
appreciate the subtle flavors.
5 <68D44A34> 4 0x8100 0x1004081 0x430 126 Why don't I make you a
Mallow-o'-the-Marsh, you can
drink that instead.
6 <8D3403F5> 5 0x8130 0xE04081 0x430 126 Mallow-o'-the...
Wait, isn't that a mushroom?!
7 <1AD30ED9> 4 0x8100 0x1004081 0x430 126 You drink it to get stronger.
Appreciate it, will you?
8 <AE86FA97> 5 0x8100 0xE04081 0x430 126 Ohh, you should have said!
All right then, I'll have ten cups of
your finest fungus water. Cheers!