
1 refs 7A25F920#1
<F2AB8C9A> 1 Zoren's unit, assemble at the west gate!
I repeat! Assemble at the west gate!
3 2 Roger! 3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#2
<34837A70> 1 I got a message from the recon team.
They said if we're going to act, now's
the best time.
3 2 That's Captain Zoren for you. Always
going from one battle, straight to the next.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#3
<09377EE0> 1 You know what's up with Captain Easel?
She hasn't been around for a while now.
3 2 Hmmm. Ask Hexen.
She would know, I reckon.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#4
<E5B85D61> 1 I'm famished... What do you think,
can I try and nick some food from
over there?
3 2 You don't wanna do that, trust me.
That's Easel's unit's patch...
They don't play games.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#5
<EEBA696C> 1 Easel's unit got a reinforcement request
from Zoren's. What should we do?
3 2 This is the message I got from the captain:
"We're busy right now, ignore it".
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#6
<D65450A2> 1 Are them snuffers from Clad's unit
up to their usual business?
3 2 If you mean at the training pit,
then, yeah. They're really into it, huh...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#7
<CD5EE410> 1 Hey, have you ever seen what
Captain Clad's really like, behind
that whole captainly facade?
3 2 As it happens, no... He's the biggest
enigma out of the Three Ravens, he is.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#8
<14DECAA4> 1 I'm here to report that Easel's unit
have some misgivings about how the
last battle panned out.
3 2 Bah... They wouldn't have gotten
anything done if it wasn't for us taking fire
for 'em, the thankless mudders...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#9
<3259D78D> 1 The Guard'll have the Castle
secure and safe, believe me.
3 2 But what if they just start arguing with
those snuffers from the Gardin Defense
Base instead?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#10
<A7075C2F> 1 Fort O'Virbus is up ahead. Though it's not
like we're getting in, what with the gates
being closed.
3 1 They've got another thing coming if they
think they're going to keep us quiet for
long, gahahaha!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#11
<4438C471> 1 It takes a certain kind of crazy to build
something like the Annihilator, eh?
3 2 It wipes enemies off the map and doesn't
even let you steal from their Flame Clocks.
It's messed up, is what it is.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#12
<8F6EF937> 1 When the Annihilator powered up,
it just seemed to suck in all the
surrounding black fog...
3 2 Does that absurd power it's got have to
do with that annihilation effect stuff?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#13
<59E877F6> 1 Oh, come ooonnnnn. Don't tell me
comms are down *again*.
3 2 This whole area's overflowing with black
fog. It'll almost always be quicker to have
someone run messages on foot.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#14
<33AA318B> 1 The Queen was some mechanical puppet...
Have we all been taken for fools? Was all
that sacrifice and struggle for nothing?
3 1 ...So some idiots might say, but it's got
nothing to do with us lot! Couldn't give
a flyin' spark, gahahaha!!!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#15
<9CE82DA0> 1 The Queen was just some robot?
Then does that mean she was as
strong as a Levnis?
3 2 That's so sick! I'd have loved to
have had a battle to the death with her
if that was the case.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#16
<CFE9621E> 1 Meat... I need that rich, juicy meat... 3 2 The Mild Game Stew at our canteen is
the Flamii's knees, isn't it?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#17
<A7C0CFCB> 1 Remember when we stopped by Colony Tau
on the last hunt? What do you think it was,
those meals they gave us to eat?
3 2 You won't believe it, but they were leaves!
Can't believe anyone could fill their bellies
just with that... Still though, tasty enough.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#18
<14B568AD> 1 It's looking like the Ferronis isn't
going to budge any time soon.
3 2 Shame, eh? It could actually do some damage
to Origin, not like us pipsqueaks...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#19
<92D0A941> 1 Imagine if our Ferronis
specialized in offense...
3 2 Well, it was made for protecting the
Castle, right? That's why it's gotta be
first class at that very job.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#20
<DBA12CCA> 1 Forget about the Flame Clock, fighting's
the only thing I've ever known - only thing
that I've ever lived for...
3 2 They can't just tell us that we've been
freed from fighting and expect us to know
what to do next.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#21
<6088077D> 1 I'm from a Silver rank colony too, so that
alone should count for something...
3 1 But the commander here's on a whole other
level. She's the best dual Blade wielder in all
of Aionios.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#22
<E72A2F68> 1 "Ashera is an offensive Defender. She grabs
the foe's attention with relentless offense,
protecting her allies and crushing said foe..."
0 1 "It's the kind of role for those unafraid
to die..." Not your average grunt, in
other words.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#23
<2FBC4718> 1 Standing guard at the Castle is so dull.
We're soldiers for spark's sake, we should
be out there going on the offensive.
3 2 How I wish I could go a round against the
Commander again... Not to mention those
Ouroboros, heheh.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#24
<73310224> 1 Shall we get going and
assault the Castle, then?
3 2 Wow, you're pretty casual about it, huh?
It's like you're asking, "what's for lunch?"
...That's great, you'll fit right in.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#25
<9D856652> 1 Haven't heard a peep from the Castle
Guard for a good long while now.
3 2 Who cares what those snuffers all the way
up there think? Don't matter to us, it don't.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#26
<61D5B587> 1 Keep your distance from Hovering Reef 4,
is my advice. Nothing good can come from
getting too close.
3 2 Bahahaha! Well, now you've *really*
made me wanna go and poke around!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#27
<C060510F> 1 If you look out from the Castle and past the
other side of the fort, you can see Cadensia
and the mountains there, right?
3 1 Check this: Agnus is using the pass there to
march on to the Pentelas region. Guess they
don't want a fight with us? Hmph... Rude.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#28
<D7AC95B4> 1 It's a good thing Easel's unit loves hunting.
Ensures we never run out of food... Well,
unless someone hates meat.
3 2 And we've also got the ether mine nearby
to plunder if we need fuel. We should be
pretty set for now.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#29
<42B96F42> 1 There we were, present as ordered, and
that snuffing Consul just up and turns tail!
3 2 And there I was, thinking that she'd give
Ashera a run for her G... Pathetic behavior
coming from a Consul. Tch!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#30
<9AF35219> 1 The Consul's coming back here again,
ain't she? Better make sure we give her
a grand welcome.
3 2 Yeah, I've had it with waiting... I just want
to trample all over the mudder already.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#30
<BF5458C6> 1 Ultimately, Ashera and the Ouroboros
brought their A-game at just the right
time... (sigh)
3 2 It was a shame, really. I was
having a field day going up against
those undead soldiers.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#32
<9B6DF69F> 1 That Consul only gave us battles we
were capable of winning. Made things
really boring.
3 1 I know what it is I find fun in a fight,
and it's not racking up easy wins for
my win count.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#33
<ACD6A59D> 1 If you cross the Syra Hovering Reefs from
near the First Ixia Bridge, you'll be able to
go around to the Castle's rear gate.
3 1 ...Or at least that's what I heard, but I have
no guarantee that that's really the case.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#34
<431F4B77> 1 It's refreshing not having to listen to the
scoldings that the bigwigs from the Castle
used to give us.
3 2 All the soldiers at the Castle are so stiff
and uptight, not to mention the guards
and officers. It's mad...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#35
<E685370C> 1 Yo, Ouroboros! Had yourself a spark
of a time at the Castle, I heard.
3 2 Why didn't you tell us about that?! Make
sure you invite us along the next time you
decide to have a party like that, you hear?!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#36
<24F70F22> 1 So you snuck inside the Castle, destroyed the
Annihilator, *and* made it back out alive?
3 1 Phwoar, I knew you were something else!
Makes me really itch to try and kill you,
not gonna lie, heh heh heh...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#37
<675CD479> 1 Gotta wonder if the guys
at the fort are holding up.
3 2 I do hope they are. And I hope even more
that they'll try and have a crack against
good old Colony 11 sometime soon, haha!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#38
<AD8B352D> 1 With the Castle's Flame Clock
all smashed up, we should be good
to enter the fort now, I think.
3 2 I can't wait till I finally get to visit the
Tap-Dancing Nopon again, and dine
on the finest grub Keves has to offer.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#38
<AB8B3C4B> 1 Curse those Moebius snuffers for
hiding that big ol' thing from us.
3 2 Can you imagine how cool it'd be to ride
that thing and raise sparks with it?!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#40
<B651615B> 1 It looks like those attacks from Origin have
been vaporizing colonies all over Aionios.
3 2 I mean, I want to die in battle, but I'd
rather there be an actual battle, not just
evaporating into thin air, you know?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#41
<131B3747> 1 When's the next battle? 3 2 It won't just fall into our lap. We've got
to take the initiative and strike first.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#42
<D4CF7692> 1 There's been skirmishes taking
place between Keves and Agnus
on the Urayan Trail.
3 2 How about we go and see for ourselves?
It's not like the commander or anyone is
going to stop us, right?
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#41
<876350FB> 1 Sounds like the Three Ravens finally
capitulated to the Ouroboros.
3 2 Huh, well, fine. If they're that strong,
then they're certainly welcome here.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#44
<951B0A85> 1 So, we're going to be following
Ouroboros's orders from now on,
are we?
3 2 If you don't like it, then go take them
on yourself. Power is everything here,
you know that well enough.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#45
<94BBFA7D> 1 Was Zoren's unit actually fighting to
protect Colony Lambda?
3 2 I mean, Captain Zor just lives to fight.
He doesn't need a reason for it or
anything like that.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#46
<0EA74506> 1 That Strider's bunking off
missions *again*.
3 2 And Widow comes and goes as she pleases
too. They must be brave to court Zor's wrath
like that.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#47
<4EA3F80A> 1 Branden got some good cuts of meat
in, told us to come over and get some
Mild Stew.
3 2 I'm guessing that means Easel's unit
got back from hunting.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#48
<B3E37345> 1 That Hexen, man... Only way I can
put it is that she's got that *look* in
her eyes, you know?
3 2 Word is, she was even wilder and crazier
before she came over to Colony 11.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#49
<E1F5E93C> 1 Captain Clad really likes to make sure
we're all well looked after, doesn't he?
3 2 Yup. Out of the Three Ravens, he's the
most direct. He'll even come along to
the training sessions of grunts like us.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#46
<149D03A9> 1 That snuffing Knoquehardt... He's
"initiating" yet another poor newbie!
3 2 And he thinks he's doing it for their
own good, which just makes it worse...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#51
<91039677> 1 How much longer is this
training going on for...?
3 2 For as long as Knoquehardt wants it
to be. Shut up and get on with it, mate.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#51
<FC0A9D55> 1 Training, training, training...
Are we ever gonna take a break?
3 2 Tch... Shut yer gob. You'll be no use on
the battlefield if you can't get through
sessions like these.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#51
<239C8F24> 1 I've had it... Just put me on the battlefield,
please... I can't take any more training...
I'm begging yooou...
3 2 I wanna take out some mudders already...
Have meeercyyy...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#54
<6CB57E47> 1 Oh, hey. That's another rookie
Knoque just mentally destroyed.
3 2 There's no place here for the sane of mind.
He might actually be doing them a favor...
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#45
<89D18754> 1 That Teach fella. He sure knows how
to handle himself on the battlefield.
3 2 So there are commanders in Agnus with
some backbone? Color me impressed.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#29
<F556CD67> 1 We can never beat those Ouroboros,
no matter how hard we try. They're
something else, I tell ya!
3 2 Well, I mean, yeah mate. They *are*
something different. They transform
and stuff.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#46
<F95789AD> 1 It's been ages since I've enjoyed a good
"We're absolutely gonna snuff up Ashera
this time, no question" party.
3 2 No, it's called the "Let's all have us a
grand old time fighting each other to the
death" party. Get it right.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#58
<335E9323> 1 Did they seriously take over the Castle?!
Awwrite, pile in! All aboard, everyone!
3 2 Zor and the others gained control of the
place ages back. How didn't you catch
on earlier?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#59
<0323F676> 1 Wasn't Captain Zoren originally meant to be
Captain of the Guard? Why did he come to
Colony 11, instead?
3 2 Dunno. Maybe he got demoted, maybe he
left of his own volition? He's the only one
who knows.
3 0 0
2 refs 7A25F920#35
<1E3E1025> 1 Been a while since I had a fight that
tough. That Consul's the real deal. I wish
she'd just gone full-pelt to begin with.
3 2 It's all the more a shame we won't
get a rematch. Ashera better take
responsibility for finishing her off!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#61
<F55950A6> 1 I snuffing hope I don't have to face
those undying soldiers ever again.
3 2 Personally, I like playing the underdog.
It's battles I'm guaranteed to lose that
I can't stand.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#62
<EEAE8354> 1 We took out two Consuls, which means
they're gonna be even more on-guard
against us now.
3 2 You got that right... Ah, gets my heart
racing just thinking about them near-death
encounters. Heh heh.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#63
<E8F7AECB> 1 I'm not sure if there's a clear point to all
this hardcore training, to be honest.
3 2 Yeah, we should probably analyze the
results, and adjust the process accordingly.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#64
<7AA436A3> 1 With the Flame Clock gone,
the Castle troops need to be united,
now, more than ever.
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#65
<33B67E3A> 1 I've ironed out all the kinks in my tactical
plan. The only question now is whether
regular grunts can pull it off...
3 2 You could try asking the Captain
of the Guard what she thinks.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#66
<1592464F> 1 Those leaders-in-training are exceptional
and all that, but they can get on my
nerves every now and again.
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#67
<136CB836> 1 Hey, they're the Ouroboros. 3 2 The Captain of the Guard was searching
for them earlier, wasn't she?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#68
<BA55590C> 1 Heath and Wynonna are both part of the
Guard. So why do they get on about as
well as a Kevesi and Agnian?
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#69
<9AFDA736> 1 You know, when is our next training
session at the Defense Base?
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#70
<18C57651> 1 Person in front of Propatheon Cathedral
been drawing curious drawing, recently.
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#71
<CB368116> 1 I checked out that guy drawing that weird
picture the other day. He was just staring
at the ground for ages, looking miserable...
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#72
<A0AD5715> 1 I can say it out loud now, but
honestly, Consul K was never
really my kind of Consul.
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#73
<C4EC3719> 1 How much would you pay for that
colorful picture thingamajig?
3 2 Pfft! Not a single G! 3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#74
<2204AA76> 1 What's the inspector doing out
in a place like this late at night?
3 0 0 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#75
<8500DC4E> 1 I've got no memory of what
happened here recently. It's
like I just slept through it.
3 2 You probably have the
Consul to thank for that.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#76
<B3427CA7> 1 There's no Consuls in the Castle any more. 3 2 Yeah. It's quiet now, but it kinda feels
like something's missing... Dunno, it's just
a weird vibe I get.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#77
<AD7725DD> 1 I thought the Castle would always stand
strong no matter how many assaults
from Agnus it took...
3 1 But all it ultimately took was a small
squad of soldiers... Those Ouroboros are
on another level compared to us grunts.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#78
<B952A572> 1 The Castle's got its own ether mine,
it's got black fog all around, not to mention
the sheer number of defensive installations...
3 1 I really thought it could stand firm
against any and all assailants...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#79
<5EB53897> 1 Colonies whose Flame Clocks were
destroyed by Ouroboros are basically
on their own, right?
3 1 Meaning, we need to get on with thinking
about how we can best support them...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#80
<6CDA4901> 1 I'm starting to think I might've been
better off leading a squad than being
a Castle inspector...
3 2 We may still be in the same jobs, even
after all that's happened, sure... But hey,
what you do is still a big help to the colonies!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#81
<9E52FA76> 1 Let's head to the Tap-Dancing Nopon
once we're done with training.
3 2 I've gotta try their Cured-Meat Vizzard! 3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#82
<90D9D5EA> 1 The canteen lady's worked there
for ages, apparently.
3 2 That must mean she's not only
fed our mentors, but our mentors'
mentors, too.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#83
<A9E86A43> 1 The Castle and defense bases are
all in good nick, I assume?
3 2 Absolutely. We've got to make sure the
Castle's fit for the true Queen's return.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#85
<966F7444> 1 Sounds like Her Majesty the Queen has
been rescued. I'm just dying to meet her!
3 2 Me too! It's already massively boosted
the morale of everyone here.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#85
<DFBFE4FE> 1 All that time I worked my arse off so the
Queen could see me at my Homecoming,
and she turns out to be a fake...
3 2 You're not the only one feeling that way.
The Consuls had us all fooled.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#86
<9F438950> 1 I got to meet Her Majesty the Queen in
the flesh. She's nothing like that fake.
3 1 She's got this whole vibe, or aura around
her... One look was all I needed to know
that she was the real deal.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#87
<E6FCF0CB> 1 With Queen Melia, Agnus, and the
Ouroboros by our side, we'll show
Origin who's boss.
3 1 I'll do my part to make sure we're ready. 3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#88
<5E21389B> 1 I was talking with some Agnian soldiers
earlier, and it was pretty clear that our
nations are set up completely differently.
3 1 Like how Agnus doesn't have Castle
inspectors, while we don't have an
internal affairs bureau, for a start.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#89
<6C873A17> 1 How about one massive attack at Origin
with every Centuris and Gastrates the
colonies can muster?
3 2 That won't even put a dent in it. Origin
brushed off a Ferronis attack like it was
nothing, remember?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#90
<714CD5B2> 1 All the time we were prepared to assault
Agnus once its Castle fell, and for what...?
3 2 We were better off avoiding a fruitless
battle like that, anyway. It's not like we'd
have come out of it unscathed.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#91
<28068932> 1 I ain't working with no Lost Numbers.
Pod-snatching mudders, the lot o' them.
3 2 But, I mean... Looking at their actions,
and what the Consuls did... Surely you
can see who was right?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#92
<4D280721> 1 I had a call with an Agnian officer the
other day. And honestly? They were very
welcoming and friendly.
3 2 That's a surprise. With all the bitterness and
hate there's been between us, I'd've thought
they wouldn't give us the time of day...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#93
<DDE4CA2A> 1 I'm going to look into how all the colonies,
enemy or allied, are doing, damage-wise.
3 1 That big ol' behemoth in the Great Sea
has been wreaking havoc with no regard
for whom it strikes.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#94
<4277BA05> 1 There's a door that can't be opened
on the Grand Tower Walkway, isn't
there? Where does it lead to?
3 2 I wouldn't know. Though I've heard
people say that only Her Majesty can
open that door.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#95
<E2CFD22F> 1 I did an off-seeing once, in front of the
Consul... The last Consul in the Castle.
3 1 He just quietly watched over me.
He didn't have quite the same air
as the other Consuls...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#96
<E9509E0D> 1 I always wondered about where the
Flame Clocks and Ferronises were built...
3 1 Now I learn it was at Moebius's base...
Maybe ignorance was bliss, eh?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#97
<7D981C21> 1 What should we do about the education
program for our trainees? Things have
changed a lot recently, as you well know.
3 2 Why not keep it as is for the first three terms?
They'll need the basic conditioning if we want
them to survive, whichever way things go...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#98
<582BE312> 1 We should totally join the Guard! 3 2 Yeah! That way, we can watch over
Her Majesty and be her shield.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#99
<66EBCF7D> 1 You really want to join the Guard?
But there are so many other roles
you could choose from!
3 2 I really do, though. I wanna
grow up to be like Heath.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#100
<4FE09657> 1 Are we training at Gardin
Defense Base again?
3 2 Yep. We gotta make ourselves stronger
so we can protect our true Queen.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#101
<C0777769> 1 You know that image Stefaan created,
with the weird colors? Apparently it's
being valued at 200,000G!
3 2 You serious?! Maybe I should try making one.
If nothing else, it looks kinda fun...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#102
<1F1EF475> 1 Ulrich went up to Agnus Castle, didn't he?
Snuff-ton of intel and knowledge to steal,
over there.
3 2 They'll be able to "steal" a lot of info from us
too, you know. Either way, I'm hoping this
thing will benefit everyone...
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#90
<E2CA94B9> 1 Luciona and her gang weren't
able to keep up with the times.
3 2 Sure, but still, I can't really sympathize.
They did things they weren't supposed to
and got their just deserts for it.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#104
<B7BDE3D7> 1 Man, what's up with them? Why just up
and change the rules at this stage...?
3 1 All that fighting I did to make it to
Homecoming, and now I don't even
get to have one...?
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#105
<BFCD940D> 1 I think we'll need the power of the Queen
to make sure we don't raise any ruffians
like Luciona in the future.
3 2 That's why we need someone to
rule over us. We can't face down
opposition all by ourselves.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#106
<6C11CE4E> 1 I heard the Guard temporarily blocked all
traffic in and out of the Castle. You know
anything about that?
3 2 Some spark-raisers among them in there.
Even the Captain of the Guard's on edge...
Way calmer when we had the Consul, man.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#107
<B2A8B577> 1 Only one time in blue moon see
customer come to place like this.
3 1 But no worry. Whether friend Agnian spy
or scheming baddie is no fur off traderpon
back. Doing of business is priority.
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#108
<CF7463EB> 1 Whopping big gun thing that formerly stuck to
Castle took whopping big tumble recently!
3 1 Could it be work of friends? Very
crazy-brained of friends, if that is case!
3 0 0
1 refs 7A25F920#109
<0B656513> 1 Castle now resemble place in different
dimension, and maybe time.
3 1 Must be work of friends, no? It great
deed of friends, if that is case!
3 0 0