
1 refs 0184414B#1
<28C95CBD> 1 Hey, did you hear? An Agnian
arranged us a boat to the City.
3 2 I heard. Some guy called Seeker, right?
Why did he go and do something for us that
wouldn't benefit him in any way?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#2
<473192FC> 1 Agnians are being untrustworthy, as usual.
I haven't got a clue what's going on
inside their heads.
3 2 Shh! Do you really think it's wise to be
speaking like that in their territory?!
3 0 0
3 <6DD95410> 1 1688 3 2 1689 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#3
<63FA9BD1> 1 Do we have enough firepower to defeat
Agnus if we end up fighting them...?
3 2 They ain't gonna start anything while
Ghondor's keeping an eye on them,
that much is certain.
3 0 0
5 <CF894E90> 1 1694 3 2 1695 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#4
<B9C27D66> 1 This is just the kind of time I'd like
those guys to be here, but alas...
3 2 Tohma, Xera and Jhodor are locked up
deep inside the prison, after all. They won't
be seeing daylight any time soon.
3 0 0
7 <AE7529FB> 1 1698 3 2 1699 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#5
<D2815B01> 1 Have you heard about those crazy strong
guys? The ones that were locked up in
prison for yonks?
3 2 Yeah, I did. The guys over in internal
security will be run ragged if they ever
manage to get out.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#6
<FF000471> 1 I'm still in denial... Dana promised us we'd
all go back to the City together.
3 2 It was those Agnians that did her in.
I ain't gonna let them bastards get
away unscathed, believe you me.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#7
<54239FE9> 1 They said something about us being
summoned to the City. Only thing is,
I don't even know where the place is.
3 2 Well, if they're summoning us over there,
I bet they're looking for someone to blame...
3 0 0
11 <9141B315> 1 1706 3 2 1707 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#8
<B6C914A4> 1 Those Agnian mudders looked down
on us from here while we toiled for
them like slaves.
3 2 I get how you feel, but right now, us and
them are just gonna have to play nice.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#9
<57F4AD4F> 1 How are we going to secure food and
supplies now that the labor force from the
Li Garte Prison Camp is gone?
3 2 Well, we can't tell 'em to go back to work
again, that's for sure. We're gonna have
to figure something out and fast.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#10
<6C296364> 1 They say in the past, the City was pretty
close to where Li Garte Prison Camp is now.
3 2 So we stole that land and built a prison
to lock them up there? It beggars belief!
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#11
<D542D0C3> 1 So the City was once
obliterated by Moebius?
3 2 It was, yes. But now that we've
got our land back, the time's finally
come for us to strike back...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#12
<6DD88444> 1 I was told by Aggy that
Ghondor loves eating fish.
3 2 Well, I was told by Oggy that she loves
eating meat. They can't both be right,
can they...?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#13
<A14009EB> 1 Is it Aggy that's correct, or Oggy? 3 2 If I were you, I'd go and ask
Ghondor to be sure.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#14
<FE24F789> 1 Why are the Ouroboros and Lost Numbers
milling around here, in our Castle?
3 2 Because we lost, innit. Though
I'd say they liberated us, personally.
Not a bad thing in my opinion.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#15
<512D0B74> 1 We gave the call to all Agnian colonies,
but we've had no reply so far.
3 2 They still must be within Moebius's control,
then. We'll need to destroy more Flame
Clocks to bring more allies to our side.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#16
<7290BDA1> 1 Isn't that a job for logistics? Because it
sure isn't a job for intel.
3 2 Oh, come the snuff on. Intel hasn't got
anything to do at the moment, right?
Tell them to help us out, will ya?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#17
<F2A7CF77> 1 Are the Levnises from the Levnis Workyard
still not ready for pickup?
3 2 Putting the ordnance corps in control of
that place was a mistake. No amount of
foot soldiers can stand up to a Levnis.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#18
<DE54A2BA> 1 Never did I imagine that the "Queen"
we knew was just a double...
3 2 Not to mention the Consuls were up to
some nonsense too! My whole world's
been turned upside down...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#19
<19BE9D65> 1 I heard what happened. So this is what
it's like without a Flame Clock, huh?
3 2 Nothing about it feels too off, does it?
And now we don't need worry about
how much juice the clock's got.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#20
<39080156> 1 It's so interesting seeing
how Ghondor fights.
3 1 Even though she just uses normal attacks,
she gets in so many hits, so quickly, the
enemy's a pulp before they know it.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#21
<185C8866> 1 They used to execute people in this place,
on the day of the eclipse.
3 2 We owe it to all who lost their lives here
to ensure that nothing like that can ever
happen again.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#22
<8CBBD8F5> 1 So now, the Lost Numbers and Keves
army are going to join hands with the
guys they've been killing all this time?
3 2 It must be clear to you now who our
true enemy really is, right? If we don't
join forces, we're all as good as dead.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#23
<9298D2CF> 1 Go out the the west gate, you're in the
Aetia region. Now, past the east gate, that's
the Levnis Workyard. With me so far?
3 2 Cool, thanks for the directions! 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#24
<D8B5CB7A> 1 You can get straight to the Central Harbor
from the Mulus Depot.
3 1 But the Armory Levnises have all been
taken out, so you'll only be able to borrow
a boat from there.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#25
<E0EA4CD4> 1 But if we could still use the Annihilator...
Could we just whack Origin with it and
call it a day...?
3 2 Now's the time for patience.
We'll strike against that snuffer
once the true Queen has returned.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#26
<2F3E4D6E> 1 That giant machine in the Great Sea
was under it the whole time, wasn't it?
3 2 And it's bigger than even our Castle.
Just how in the ever-living snuff does
that kind of engineering work...?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#27
<9F508D86> 1 So our true Queen is safe now? 3 2 Yeah. According to the Lost Numbers'
intel, she is. I can't wait to meet her.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#28
<2F9C39D7> 1 I'd say that the Cloudkeep and
this Castle share some design
and construction similarities.
3 2 They must've been built at
around the same time then?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#29
<A2ADCCF6> 1 So all this time, the Queen was secretly
hidden above Captocorn Peak...
3 2 She was so close to us, and yet so far. 3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#30
<AB2A07C3> 1 Haven't the Lost Numbers pulled out yet? 3 2 They said we had too many of them
held here for them to all fit on Levnises,
by the sounds of it.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#31
<F476087F> 1 How many more days are the
Lost Numbers staying here?
3 1 Food supplies are a big worry, with
this many people around. Couldn't they,
like, send half of their numbers off first?
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#32
<6219B03E> 1 I tell you, I'm relieved to see the Lost
Numbers finally getting out of here.
3 2 Enough of that. They're our allies now,
you hear? You're gonna have to meet
them halfway, sooner or later.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#33
<3B85ACE9> 1 You really sure we shouldn't have gone
back to the City with the others...?
3 2 Ghondor and the others are staying behind,
things will be just fine. Here's where I want
to contribute to the City.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#34
<70A7008B> 1 We can trust Seeker. He's nicer and
more honest than Ghondor.
3 2 Whoa, what if Ghondor hears you?!
She'll dropkick you to the other side
of Aionios if you're not careful!
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#35
<062E6459> 1 It's hard work scavenging up food. 3 1 Little wonder we forced the Lost Numbers
to do it for us, all those years...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#36
<69C383B4> 1 I hear we can't get in touch with Dana's boat. 3 2 All the thick black fog in the Erythia Sea
must be disabling our comms. Let's just
hope that's the only thing going on.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#37
<1B2AF685> 1 Of course, we just had to lose radio
contact with the ship that's got the food
supplies we worked so hard to gather...
3 2 Losing food's obviously annoying,
but I'm more worried about those
Lost Numbers right now.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#38
<B6A9C9D8> 1 How can Dana be dead? Nothing could
stop her at the Prison Camp, so how
could she just die like that, so easily?
3 2 The Castle may be liberated,
but the fight's far from over, it seems...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#39
<323DAC33> 1 That Ragzy mudder isn't gonna
get away with this!
3 2 You got that right. All that trust we had
built up with the City is going to go up in
flames, thanks to what he's done.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#40
<5B906E30> 1 The Lost Numbers have become our
comrades... Hearing one of them's dead
really cut me to the quick.
3 2 Can't believe we've got to hold an old friend
accountable for killing a newer one...
It's surreal.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#41
<D6DD61B3> 1 You're saying those three fiends
have been released? Snuff me,
what is Seeker thinking...?
3 2 It seems like the charges against them
were false. The Consuls locked 'em up
'cause of some grudges, I'd wager.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#41
<C88B40EE> 1 You're saying those three fiends
have been released? Snuff me,
what is Seeker thinking...?
3 2 I guess that means the Ouroboros taught
them a lesson they'll never forget. And if
that's true, there's nothing to worry about.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#42
<DDB34B3B> 1 Looking back at it now, those three
"fiends" didn't really do anything
all that fiendish, did they?
3 2 Yeah, we all just accepted what the Consuls
said without a second thought. But now, it
feels we're starting to understand the truth.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#43
<2602B5E9> 1 Ever since we started mixing with the Lost
Numbers, the number of Keves inspectors
has gone up and caught us unawares.
3 2 And that means the possibility of an enemy
spy lurking among us. Let's have someone
keep an eye on them.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#44
<97928264> 1 Even now, there are Kevesi
who still resent us.
3 2 Not easy to join hands with a former
enemy, is it? There're people on our
side who're just the same.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#45
<C6850A97> 1 Ulrich isn't the type to hide things from
us. I can guarantee you he was misled
by Luciona.
3 2 Yeah. He's a good lad, so we're
all in agreement here too.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#46
<55A9A5AD> 1 Ulrich told me the City is a place unlike
anything he could've ever imagined.
3 2 Hope we can go there someday.
I wanna try one of those "novels"
Seeker told us about.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#47
<C6F42A5E> 1 We may be working together with Keves
and the City now, but will it be enough
to defeat Moebius?
3 2 We've got a better chance working
together than we'd have otherwise.
It's better than nothing, at least.
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#48
<1F638BDF> 1 Apparently, these "children" they
talk about in the City are even
smaller than the first-termers.
3 2 So I heard. What on Aionios is
up with that? I'd like to see one of
those mysterious beings for myself...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#49
<693FA367> 1 We're at about the same altitude as the
Great Sword, right...? I hardly ever see
any birds around... It's really quiet.
3 2 Yeah, it is... When I was in prison, you could
hear the waves sometimes. Those were rare
moments of comfort...
3 0 0
1 refs 0184414B#50
<040032B5> 1 Good grief... I've only just gone and lost my
sense of direction, that's how busy I've
been. Where should I bring these supplies?
3 2 Right... I'd imagine you should
bring them to the supply team.
3 0 0