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1 qst620103_msg0001 84 Much thanking!
2 qst620103_msg0002 84 Now that Bipopo have this...
3 qst620103_msg0003 84 Can go home to Argentum.
4 qst620103_msg0004 84 What time was return ship, again? Hmm...
5 qst620103_msg0005 84 MEHMEH!!!
6 _04 84 心配
7 qst620103_msg0006 84 Bipopo just realize, Bipopo use all money playing game! Nothing left for return ticket!
8 _06 84 無言
9 qst620103_msg0007 84 Umm...
10 qst620103_msg0008 84 Bipopo ask favor.
11 qst620103_msg0009 84 Friends take Bipopo back to home in Argentum Trade Guild, please?
12 _10 84 断る
13 qst620103_msg0010 84 What mean no-no?
14 qst620103_msg0011 84 Fine then. Stay here at house of friend Tora.
15 qst620103_msg0012 84 If that not to liking, can take Bipopo back to Argentum anytime.
16 _14 84 呆れる
17 qst620103_msg0013 84 Grateful for helping!