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1 bf11380150_0010 82 Mik, mind cutting the veggies?
2 bf11380150_0020 82 Mm.
3 bf11380150_0030 82 Hey, you're pretty good at that.
4 bf11380150_0040 82 Not really. Anyone could do it.
5 bf11380150_0050 82 Looks good to me, anyway. Then I think I'll get to the meat...
6 bf11380150_0060 82 ...Oi, Mythra!
7 bf11380150_0070 82 Huh?
8 bf11380150_0080 82 What are you doing?
9 bf11380150_0090 82 Preparing the meat, of course. Are your eyes not working or something?
10 bf11380150_0100 82 Well cut it out, back away, and don't touch anything.
11 bf11380150_0110 82 What? But why?
12 bf11380150_0120 82 Seems like fun!
13 bf11380150_0125 82 Why don't I help, too?
14 bf11380150_0130 82 Don't encourage her.
15 bf11380150_0140 82 You wouldn't talk that way if you knew the atrocities of Mythra's cooking.
16 bf11380150_0150 82 ...Atrocities?
17 bf11380150_0160 82 It does more damage to you than any Artifice ever could...
18 bf11380150_0170 82 Hey, watch it! Don't go around saying mean things like that.
19 bf11380150_0180 82 Er, Mythra?
20 bf11380150_0190 82 Er, yeah?
21 bf11380150_0200 82 Can I borrow you?
22 bf11380150_0210 82 Urgh... What is it? I'm about to help with dinner.
23 bf11380150_0220 82 Lora, you too. Would you mind sparring with me, please?
24 bf11380150_0230 82 I don't mind, but-
25 bf11380150_0240 82 Why don't I help with the cooking?
26 bf11380150_0250 82 Oh? Well, all right, then.
27 bf11380150_0260 82 Th-thank goodness...
28 bf11380150_0270 82 Surely it can't be that bad.
29 bf11380150_0280 82 You could always...try it out?
30 bf11380150_0290 82 Ahh... Perhaps not.