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1 bf09300100_0010 82 ...
2 bf09300100_0020 82 Blades become Titans when their time is up...
3 bf09300100_0030 82 And those Titans give birth to many new Blades.
4 bf09300100_0040 82 All while forming the world beneath our feet.
5 bf09300100_0050 82 It's awesome.
6 bf09300100_0052 82 It's enough to make me envious.
7 bf09300100_0060 82 Envious...of us?
8 bf09300100_0070 82 So I'd like to ask the Architect.
9 bf09300100_0080 82 Pyra, Mythra, all of you...
10 bf09300100_0090 82 Why did he create all these incredible people?
11 bf09300100_0100 82 Actually, I think I might already know the answer.
12 bf09300100_0110 82 But I'd still like to check with the man himself.
13 bf09300100_0120 82 To check your answer?
14 bf09300100_0130 82 Yeah.
15 bf09300100_0140 82 You...believe you know the reason we exist?
16 bf09300100_0150 82 Hrk-!
17 bf09300100_0160 82 Jin!
18 bf09300100_0170 82 Akhos! Patroka!
19 bf09300100_0180 82 Patroka...
20 bf09300100_0190 82 I won't let you kill Jin.
21 bf09300100_0200 82 Stand down, Patroka.
22 bf09300100_0210 82 But-!
23 bf09300100_0220 82 It is over for us now. There is nothing more.
24 bf09300100_0230 82 We've done all that we have to.
25 bf09300100_0240 82 Jin...
26 bf09300100_0250 82 Nia...
27 bf09300100_0260 82 M-me?
28 bf09300100_0270 82 Your power... Can you use it on Jin...?
29 bf09300100_0280 82 Well, sure... It'll only be a temporary measure, but...
30 bf09300100_0290 82 Don't expect any thanks.
31 bf09300100_0300 82 ...
32 bf09300100_0310 82 We'll go back first and prep Jin for treatment.
33 bf09300100_0320 82 Akhos! Make yourself useful.
34 bf09300100_0330 82 Yeah, yeah. I got 'im.
35 bf09300100_0332 82 [ML:undisp ]DISTRESS
36 bf09300100_0335 82 Patroka!!!
37 bf09300100_0340 82 You will climb no further...
38 bf09300100_0350 82 Wh-! Amalthus? Here?!
39 bf09300100_0360 82 And...why does he look like that?!
40 bf09300100_0370 82 If the Architect did send Blades down to this world... it was for my sake.
41 bf09300100_0380 82 To find and raise cores containing more powerful, wondrous, unparalleled data...
42 bf09300100_0390 82 That is why I created the cleansing procedure.
43 bf09300100_0400 82 Behold the culmination of my work!
44 bf09300100_0410 82 You lunatic...
45 bf09300100_0420 82 He took the cores from all those Blades...
46 bf09300100_0430 82 So that was the reason for the cleansing...
47 bf09300100_0440 82 I am an agent of the Architect's will!
48 bf09300100_0450 82 What is he saying?
49 bf09300100_0460 82 Delusions of grandeur...
50 bf09300100_0470 82 You can't just decide stuff like that, dude!
51 bf09300100_0480 82 You're out of your damned mind!
52 bf09300100_0490 82 It is no delusion! Have you forgotten the Aegis's power?
53 bf09300100_0500 82 That power...
54 bf09300100_0510 82 Is it not the Aegis's power to erase worthless things from existence?!
55 bf09300100_0520 82 Is that not the Architect's very will?!
56 bf09300100_0530 82 Pyra and Mythra aren't like that!
57 bf09300100_0540 82 ...I just realized.
58 bf09300100_0550 82 I know why Malos is so intent on scouring the world...
59 bf09300100_0560 82 It's you, Amalthus.
60 bf09300100_0570 82 Malos has become tainted by your influence...
61 bf09300100_0580 82 So what if he has? What's the problem?
62 bf09300100_0590 82 You've had your little trip around Alrest...
63 bf09300100_0600 82 You witnessed the state of Morytha!
64 bf09300100_0610 82 Mankind will never change, no matter how many millennia pass!